Aguilar found the promised land in Milwaukee


The motto of the campaign that led Jesús Aguilar to the game of stars has many religious connotations, but also colors of reality. "I believe in Jesus" can refer to the resurrection of the career of the Venezuelan slugger, but also to the opportunity he has received from Milwaukee.

To be rejected by the Cleveland Indians a little over a year ago, to be the first starting point for the Brewers. Not to have a safe place in the list of lupulas in the spring to be a member of the National League's lineup in the All-Star Game.

The life of the maracayero took a 180 degree turn on January 26, 2017, when Cleveland, the organization that initially signed it, called him to inform him that He had placed it on renunciations. Far from the feeling of nostalgia that often overwhelms a player with this type of news, he was happy.

"When they called me to tell me that I could not be happier, I feel that day I took off a yoke. Cleveland) did not give me the confidence to play every day and I was evaluating other options like going to Japan or South Korea, "Aguilar told the press conference Pre-All-Star. "Everything that happened to me was very fast, I think I needed confidence, something that I finally found in Milwaukee."

three seasons with the tribe, Aguilar has barely taken 58 laps, low for a player who shot 57 homers between double A and triple A between 2013 and 2014.

"It's very difficult to know that you do not play every day, you work with more pressure. "Fortunately, Carlos Subero, the Brewers' first coach, he recommended me with the organization and even though I did not have any place in safety in training, the manager Craig Counsell gave me the opportunity to play and last year I gave 16 circuits, "he said. the player. Higher for the final vote on the classic mid-season list, thanks to an aggressive and innovative campaign organized by his team through social networks called: "I believe in Jesus" a slogan with c clear religious denomination

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