Alert! A plugin in Chrome and Firefox could steal all your data


Web users panicked after computer engineer Robert Heaton sounded an alarm on a spy extension for those using Google Chrome and Mozilla Firfox browsers that could steal your data .

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According to what Heaton said, it is sufficient that the user enters the network and begins ] to use cookies so that later application links the profile of the user forever with the identifier of Stylish .

To better understand the alert, this means that, the extension retrieves all the history of the user and captures everything, and then records it on its servers.

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Its original design proposed to change the design of web pages

Next, SimilarWeb Stylish's creative company gets all information from each of its users.

This extension was primarily intended to be able to change only the appearance pages and not to subtract the information.

The most alarming thing is that this application is used worldwide by almost 2 million people worldwide.

So, if you are one of them, then you should lend more attention to what might be about to be revealed.

  • Warning
  • Spy
  • More information on this property
  • Firefox Chrome
  • Robert Heaton

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