Alert for the increase of gonorrhea in Venezuela


Doctors are alarmed by the increase in gonorrhea in Venezuela, a sexually transmitted disease that, along with syphilis and HIV, has been said in part because of the shortage of condoms and the lack of prevention programs, warned Tuesday the StopVIH organization, based in Caracas

The increase in diagnoses of gonorrhea is recorded among men and women, including people living with HIV, according to the # 39; organization.

"We came to this conclusion because we did a frequent follow-up with infectious disease physicians and they expressed concern not only about the issue of gonorrhea bouncing off but also because the one detected is multidrug-resistant, no antibiotic does [efecto]"said StopVIH's president, Jhonatan Rodriguez

Rodriguez explained in a telephone interview with the Nuevo Herald that official data on this problem do not exist because the Venezuelan diet "does not provide type figures in a formal way", but doctors in private practice "get a lot of people for new diagnoses, that is, they go to the doctor to be treated for this new infection. "

" Physicians take care of a lot of people every day, in private consultation.We have data r férentielles physicians indicate that every day the number of people who visit to attend the & # 39; one of these three infections with new diagnoses increasing, "he said.

He emphasizes that the current Venezuelan context must also be understood the instability and the humanitarian emergency we are experiencing, where we do not have specialists in hospitals and where people have to heal themselves themselves, it is by private services.

Venezuela faces a serious shortage of medicines and food keeps Venezuelans in check The Venezuelan parliament reported Monday that inflation was 128.4% last June, so the annual rate continued to climb to 46.305%.

The Venezuelan Pharmaceutical Federation (Fefarven) estimates that eight out of ten drugs are available in pharmacies and the shortage of drugs to treat diseases such as HIV, among others, reaches 90 percent.

Rodriguez said that "there is also another increase for other sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis and HIV, which could be avoided if we had prevention programs and free access to condoms. "

On the site of one of the leading Venezuelan pharmacy chains, there are more than 40 brands of condoms, but all indicate that" The product is not available at the moment. "

The Ministry of Health estimates that in Venezuela, at least 11,000 people are contracting HIV each year and according to the Con Program In collaboration with the United Nations Organization for AIDS (UNAIDS), At least 19,000 children under the age of 17 have been orphaned by this disease, according to figures released by StopVIH on its website.

The President of StopVIH pointed out that his country is experiencing a health emergency due to the absence of antibiotics, drugs to treat HIV and where the diagnoses of these diseases are carried out in private laboratories because the public system has had no reagents for a year and a half.

"Our context obliges us to make our voices heard and to advocate for the right to health and life of all Venezuelans, whether or not they have HIV, gonorrhea or syphilis. are all in a state of exposure, vulnerability and danger for a public system that does not respect its duties and obligations that are in the national Constitution, "he said.

Mary Carmen Ferreiro, in charge of sexual transmission consultations at the University Hospital of Caracas, warned that " every sexually active person is likely to contract an infection, an increased risk among people with multiple sexual partners, unprotected sexual practices, adolescents and menopause. "

Transmission says that it is higher in women than in men and if intercourse occurs during menstruation, the presence of blood promotes transmission.

"It is also important to note that gonorrhea facilitates HIV infection, continue to have risky behaviors," he said.

The specialist says that gonorrhea can cause on infertility due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes in women, and if the acute infection is severe, it can compromise life, dying because of peritonitis or d & # 39;

In men, the complication may be an orchitis or inflammation of the testes

Ferrero warns that gonorrhea in adults is asymptomatic in 70% of women and in 50% of men, 19659021] [ad_2]
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