Alert: The global fight against AIDS is in "precarious situation"


Although the number of AIDS deaths is decreasing and treatment is increasing, the global fight against Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome is in a "precarious situation", on Wednesday Wednesday the United Nations AIDS Organization (UNAIDS).

According to the agency, new infections of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) threaten to jeopardize efforts to fight against the disease. epidemic. Globally, new infections have only decreased by 18% since 2010.

"Promises made to the most vulnerable people in society are not respected. There are still many miles to go The end of the AIDS epidemic is over, "says a report of this international health organization

The document admits, however, that 21.7 million of the 37 million people who have HIV, they were in treatment in 2017, five and a half times more than ten years ago.

This sustained and rapid increase in the number of people treated has made it possible to reducing deaths from the virus by 34% between 2010 and 2017. The number of deaths in 2017 was the lowest in this century, according to the report.

The reduction of new HIV infections was greater in the region Affected: Eastern and Southern Africa.There, new infections have seen a 30% decline since 2010. But, in turn, new infections have increased in some fifty countries. In Europe East and Central Asia, the number of new infections doubled .

In the Middle East and North Africa, new HIV infections have increased more than a quarter of a year, the report said. In addition, the paper pointed out that the stigma and discrimination of people with the disease have terrible consequences, such as the refusal to offer quality treatments.

Since the beginning of the epidemic in the 1980s, more than 77 million people have been infected with HIV. Nearly half of them, or 35.4 million, died.

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