Alert! The use of drugs to treat depression can worsen the pathology


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(Caracas, July 03. News24) .- Japanese researchers have determined that many of the commonly prescribed drugs for the treatment of mental disorders often fail to Because of this thesis, depression is caused by a shortage of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain, which means that existing antidepressants are aimed at increasing However, the study of these Japanese neurologists, published in the journal Neuroscience , argues that it is a wrong approach at the pharmacological level: the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, the foundation of all third-generation antidepressants, can not not compensate for a deficiency of biologically active chemicals in the brain Like serotonin, writes Science Alert

In other words, drugs do not work. At least not for everyone

"30% of people treated with these drugs have no effect" explain neuroscientists Yumiko Saito and Yuki Kobayashi, of the University of # 39; Hiroshima, "we need another

In a new study on mice, Saito and Kobayashi may have found an answer to this problem.

Through their experiments, researchers found that in some cases, rodents deliberately placed in a state of stress showed no evidence of a reduction in their level of "irritation" or even after the administration of drugs

Neurologists have discovered that prolonged use of antidepressants can alter brain structure and neuronal connections, by changing the length of brain tissue particles, which could affect them both mental disorders. deep and persistent.

With the information of RT .

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