Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain will miss the 2018-2019 season | Soccer


Wilder Delgado Suárez || @ WilDelgado23

Liverpool FC already has its first defeat for the 2018-2019 season, that is the English midfielder Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, who will miss the entire campaign because of one. torn ligament in the right knee. 19659003] The news has been confirmed by coach Jürgen Klopp, "we are preparing this season knowing that he will not be with us on the pitch.If we see him again this season, it will be an advantage" said the German strategist.

"We will wait for him and show him the patience necessary for him to come back smart and continue where he stopped."

Oxlade-Chamberlain was injured The semi-final of the Champions League against the Roma, he could not play the final in Kiev and stayed out of the World Cup with the English national team.

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