Alyssa Carson, the 17-year-old girl who is preparing to be the first woman on Mars


Alyssa Carson, NASA's Young Promise Credit: Instagram

New scientific breakthroughs open up the possibility that exploration beyond our planet is becoming more and more possible, and in this way meaning, Mars has become the big goal for years to come. Alyssa Carson is a 17 year old American who is trained by NASA to become an astronaut.

Up to now, his trip is shocking. She was the first to complete the Passport program, through which she visited NASA 's 14 hosting centers, and is the youngest graduate of the Advanced Possum Academy, which makes her a top student. she an apprentice astronaut and a trained person to go into space. . Her big dream is to go to Mars and she aims to be in the mission that lands in 2033 on the red planet.

In addition to her astronaut training, she also studies school subjects in four languages ​​(English, Chinese, French and French). Spanish) and gives several conferences in which he encourages young people not to give up and pursue their dreams.

To share his enthusiasm, he documents all his achievements in the
social networks and already has nearly 27,000 followers who celebrate it and accompany it in all their efforts.

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