Amber Heard generates controversy with comments on immigrants to the United States. Trade | TV | Farándula


Amber Heard ex-wife of Johnny Depp, shared on Twitter a comment on immigrants to the United States, just a week after Donald Trump launched the Zero Tolerance initiative.

The publication of Heard did not go unnoticed. Annoying generation among her followers, who accused her of spreading negative prejudices.

"I just learned that there is an ICE checkpoint in Hollywood a few blocks from my house, it is better for everyone to accompany their housewives, nannies and gardeners to their homes tonight," wrote the actress on Twitter.

After reviews, Amber Heard explained that she did not believe these policies were correct and clarified that she had never intended to offend immigrants, which she recognizes and respects.

In 2017, Amber Heard finalized a media process of separation of actors Johnny Depp after accusing him of physical and psychological aggression.

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