Amber Heard is criticized in social media for publishing a controversial "racist" tweet – Tomatazos


In these times, everyone should pay attention to what he's writing on Twitter, Facebook or any social network, because it does not matter if your message is well meaning, it can be misinterpreted or overinterpreted and you may be accused of being racist, homophobic, reactionary, conservative or otherwise. Something like that is what happened to actress Amber Heard.

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A tweet where they tried to criticize the US immigration authorities for the placement of An ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) checkpoint in Hollywood, led to a barrage of accusations of racism, here's what his text was saying:

I just heard that There is an ICE checkpoint in Hollywood, a few blocks from my home. Tonight, it is better for everyone to bring their housewives, nannies and gardeners home.

After receiving many criticisms, he decided to clear it and clarify what he meant by another tweet:

Checkpoints on the streets of their homes … Is it the "great" America we were looking for? Raids, fences and checkpoints of a police state do not look like the "free land" that our immigrant ancestors built.

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But it was already too late for Heard, as many had taken a screen shot and relaunched the tweet deleted, so the discussion has spread and she tried to clarify the point further with this Answer:

This human rights crisis is so politicized that it is hard to say something simple without it being used to divert us from real problems. It is difficult that this question does not affect all negatively, in a certain way

Twitter users have commented that for his illegal immigrants were only "housewives, babysitters and gardeners "and nothing more; others have insulted her and said that even if she wants to pass for someone in their name, she is racist in the background.

On weekends, the actress was in protest in front of a children's detention center, near actors Connie Britton, Lena Dunham, Joshua Jackson Sia Bella Thorne and Constance Wu On a photograph, we see her holding a banner saying "Apartheid was legal. The Holocaust was legal. Legality is a question of power, not justice "

The law should protect and promote justice, not destroy it

Amber Heard is part of the DC movie universe and in 2017 we saw his first appearance Mera in the Justice League – 41%, character that will have more importance in the next film of Aquaman that begins in December, where he performs alongside Jason Momoa, Patrick Wilson and Willem Dafoe.

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