AMLO announces public investment for victims of 19S


Milenio Digital

Andrés Manuel López Obrador will present a national reconstruction plan after the earthquakes of September last year, the first 19S birthday, aimed at benefiting "victims who are still living in camps, uncovered and who have not been supported."

The reconstruction project includes public investments, which will give priority to the "most needy" and it is part of seven infrastructure projects that represent an investment of 500 billion pesos that will come from savings because of the decrease in current expenses in the administration.

"In any case, we think help with public investment, not we think that these are loans," assured the virtual elected president at a press conference in the transitional house of the Roma district.

The reconstruction program

As well as the Internet operation throughout the country and a commercial corridor in the isthmus of Tehuantepec to unite Asia and the west coast of the United States and support for those living in marginalized areas in border towns

"Reconstruction is slow and also with little planning. That is why it will be up to us to carry out the reconstruction program, of course taking into account what has been done, by asking for reports on the actions undertaken, the exercise, the resources available [19659009] "We are considering public investment because it will give priority, especially to those most in need," said the virtual elected president after meeting with members of his economic cabinet and Alfonso Romo, who will be the chief of staff.

López Obrador assured that in October he would hold a consultation on the airport and requested the support of the owners of the media to open spaces for debate between August 15 and October 15 and inform the public of the viability of the three projects that have the job: continue the work, rehabilitate two lanes in the military base of Santa Lucia or the Texcoco airport concession.

It res You define the mechanism for doing so, he continued, whether it is through the National Electoral Institute, a civil society organization or who is in charge of "citizens of irreproachable honesty." [19659005] "I take the opportunity to ask the dealers, the media owners, as always have helped, support us From August 15 to October 15, open spaces for the technical debate on options, on what is the most practical. So, once all Mexicans know it and you have received complete information, a citizen consultation will take place in late October so that Mexicans can decide what to do, "he said.

Councilor Ciro Murayama assured that it is not possible to submit to consultation the construction of the New Mexico International Airport for the remainder of the year because that the Constitution does not recognize this type of exercise outside periods of federal election.

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