AMLO Confirms Meeting with Trump Committee to Discuss NAFTA, Migration and Security Issues


Andres Manuel López Obrador, Presidential Election Winner, confirmed that next Friday, July 13, will receive a high-level panel of US President Donald Trump, who will be led by the President of the United States. Secretary of State of the United States, Michael Pompeo to address issues such as the renegotiation of the Treaty of Free Trade, Migration and Security

at a press conference in his offices in the Roma neighborhood, where he was accompanied by Marcelo Ebrard, Lopez Obrador assured that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, was very respectful with him, and offered to start a new relationship with Mexico.

He confirmed that the meeting was agreed between him and President Donald Trump in a phone call between the two.

Marcelo Ebrard says that it is an unofficial meeting, but with the kind permission of Trump to López Obrador. He said that is why the meeting will be held in the private office of Obrador in Colonia Roma, where traffic will be cut on Chihuahua Street

López Obrador and Ebrard have declared that the wall issue border which will be discussed at the meeting will not be discussed. raises Trump.

In addition to the Secretary of State, other senior US government officials will attend the meeting, such as Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and advisor; US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, among others.

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