Amy Winehouse continues to speak: reveal unpublished photos



The last stage of the life of the successful American singer, Amy Winehouse, was tainted by her excesses. He died on July 23, 2011, after drinking in his London home, a quantity of alcohol exceeding by more than five times the limit allowed to drive, as confirmed by the Saint Pancras court.

However, two years ago, Amy had gone through a period of detox on the island of Santa Lucia, where her photographer friend Blake Wood had accompanied her for a few days. It is he who edited a book with 85 unpublished photos of the singer, away from drug addiction and drugs.

"This book is really a love letter to a friend," said the photographer from his home in New York during the interview that he gave to the British newspaper The Guardian. She added: "It's a visual diary of what we experienced when she was very much celebrated by the world, but also very misunderstood, she was very dear to the people who surrounded her, and j & rsquo; Hope this is seen in the photos. "

One year before this rehabilitation period, Amy had won five Grammys for her "Back to Black" album.

The book will go on sale July 27 in the UK.

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