An earthquake of 4.6 magnitude shakes the Pacific of El Salvador


(Photo: @FUNVISIS)

An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the open Richter scale shook the Salvadoran Pacific off the coast of the central department of La Libertad. reported the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN).

The government source explained that the earthquake was recorded at 4:32 am local time (10:32 GMT), with an epicenter located 45 kilometers south of El Sunzal beach. He added that the earthquake was recorded at a depth of 59.6 kilometers and that it marked an intensity of two in San Salvador on Mercalli 's modified scale.

The last ten earthquakes calculated by the environmental authorities of El Salvador, including several with the epicenter in Guatemala, they oscillate between the magnitudes of 3.5 and 5.1

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