An orange a day to take care of our sight


According to this research, eating at least one orange a day could help reduce the risk of suffering from macular degeneration, compared to those who do not eat oranges.

To carry out this research, they followed for 15 years 2 856 people over 50 years have finally taken into account the data of 2 037 of these people. Until now, the effects of vitamins C, E, A and carotenoids on the risk of macular degeneration have been studied. The idea of ​​the research was to check the effects that flavonoids could or could not have on our long-term vision.

According to research findings, people who ate at least one orange a day were 60% less likely to suffer from macular degeneration 15 years later than those who had not eaten food. ; oranges. Researchers attribute this difference to flavonoids, which they say could help prevent eye diseases.

This is not the first study to establish a link between the effect of flavonoids and ocular health. Some research has shown that flavonoids have in vitro antioxidant properties that could be beneficial to the eyes. In Russia, research has also been conducted on the effects of flavonoids on macular degeneration.

In any case, evidence is still scarce and more research is needed to be able to say that flavonoid-rich foods can help our vision. However, at present, there is evidence that this can to be and we do not lose anything to enjoy the benefits of an orange on our health. Of course, we must remember to eat it all the time, and not abuse the juice.

Source: vitonica / MF

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