ANC will investigate the actors who favor the military intervention against Venezuela


[N .- The National Constituent Assembly (ANC) held a solemn session on Thursday for the 207 years of the signing of the Law on the Independence of Venezuela, in a Directed Act by the president of the organization, Diosdado Cabello who noted that by a commission, led by the lawyer María Alejandra Díaz, will investigate the citizens who requested an intervention or a military invasion , supporting the plans of the United States Government against Venezuela.

] Cabello explains that the constituent delegation will be responsible for the documentation of press statements, meetings and activities in which "people who claim to be Venezuelan" participate in the establishment of respective responsibilities.

"A well-conducted investigation, file in hand, We are obliged to ask the judiciary to investigate, judge and punish those involved in these events.They can not, as always, go out with "I did not go because there is evidence of their statements," he said of the Federal Legislative Building of Caracas, since his intention is to "take the necessary steps" against the Venezuelans who are in the world "speaking ill of their country and demanding invasions and bombings."

Because of this attitude, he considered that those who favor military invasions should be judged as enemies of the homeland, they must be treated as traitors and as allies forces invading our country "

The ANC president said that faced with the maneuvers of the pro-imperial sectors, Venezuela should continue to ward off these threats and promote the transformation of peoples.

" What is happening in Venezuela will have effects in Latin America and in the world, which is why we are forced to resist and overcome ," said Cabello

There , he said that pro-imperial agents are attacking with greater force in the world and that in the midst of this conjuncture, the Venezuelans – who are facing aggression in the economic and political since 2013 – They became the hope of the peoples of the world, reported AVN .

He also said that "this free people will not entrust any intervention.The women will leave, the young, the soldiers will leave to defend the country, anyone who has called for an invasion in Venezuela, in case of invasion , should be treated as an enemy of the country, "said the president of the ANC.

He concluded by stating that this July 5, love for the country is manifesting itself in heaven, but that "the day of the country is 365 days a year."

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