Andrea Armada won the silver medal at the ACE Games and qualified in Lima in 2019 | Other sports


Prensa Andrea Armada

This Wednesday, Venezuelan Andrea Armada was once again on the podium, this time at her first Central American and Caribbean Games in Barranquilla, having won the medal of the day. money in the female Kata. 19659003] Armada began to dominate his first three rounds by beating Mexican Cinthia De La Rue, 3-2, before facing Nicaraguan Lila Barquero, who beat 5-0.

She then dominated the Guatemalan Nathalie Barrera In the semifinals, she was able to beat Claudia Burgos 4-1 to qualify for the final and win a medal, in addition to obtaining the ticket for the Pan American Games. Lima in 2019.

In the final, she faced María Dimitrova of the Dominican Republic, a match that was for the 0-5.

It is worth mentioning that it is the first medal in an event of the Olympic cycle for the girl of Caracas, only 18 years old, who continues to stand out and Mbre of Venezuela at the top, in addition to staying as that referent of the Female Kata in the country.

Now, Armada will continue to prepare for the Pan American Junior Karate Championship, which will be held August 22-25 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 100% focused on the goal of attending the Olympics of Tokyo 2020.

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