Ángel Medina indicated that the ICJ can not resolve a dispute over Esequibo


Ángel Medina, deputy to the National Assembly (AN) for the state of Bolívar, said Wednesday that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) did not have jurisdiction to resolve the situation on l & # 39; Essequibo.

"We categorically reject that this happens at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), primarily because the International Court of Justice does not have jurisdiction to see and know this subject," he said at of an interview for the program First page of Globovisión

The President of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino) in Venezuela felt that the dispute over Essequibo is "sensitive".

"The National Assembly has approved nearly three agreements not only for the defense of Essequibo but save what is the Geneva agreement," said the parliamentarian.

Medina pointed out that Venezuela would lose resources and development opportunities if the conflict was resolved favor of Guyana.

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