Anguish and lack of services, the reality of the municipality of Libertador


Weekends are the most used days by Venezuelans to frequent popular markets. On a sunny morning, along Pantheon Avenue (Capital District), people walk through different awnings asking for food prices.

High product prices and low purchasing power have caused Venezuelans to acquire less and less of what they need for their homes. Popular markets are with a small influx of customers, but on a Saturday morning, Pantheon Avenue was filled with people full of doubts, anguish and hope.

"Guanipa has arrived!" Shouted a woman who was I found in the first awning. Tomás Guanipa, member of the National Assembly (NA) and Secretary General of Primero Justicia, paid a visit to the inhabitants of the area to listen to their complaints and share with them a little hope in the situation that the country is going through .

his morning with a visit to one of the sectors of the municipality of Libertador, which is characterized by having support for the government of Nicolás Maduro. However, Guanipa's visit highlighted the discontent of Venezuelans.

Guanipa walked along the Pantheon Avenue market, at every stop he heard complaints from citizens, asked questions about food prices and gave them that push needed to raise the spirits. People have come to him for help with drugs that they can not or can not afford.

"You just come to ask for votes," said a woman as she approached. The leader of the yellow canopy responded with a smile on his face "I am not looking for votes because we will not go to elections."

The emotion of people with the visit of a deputy has been shown in their expressions and faces. Some shouted "Maduro" and others told him that money was not enough to buy food. "It must end, it can not be that the garlic is in 30. I could not buy three things today."

Food prices vary according to the payment method chosen by the customers, if it is in cash the cost is lower per point, they add a much higher percentage. However, all prefer to pay per point because the little money that citizens have, is to pay the ticket to go home.

"What do I think it should exist in the country? It is much more articulate than it is already there with the protests ( …) the difference from the protests of last year is that they are disconnected, ie they have to do with different realities as communities live in different parts of the country.The life of Venezuelan has become a tragedy, "said MP to the AN El Nacional Web.

Venezuelans are currently living in a country of anxiety. The biggest concern of people to get food for their families. The lack of food is evident in the texture of their bodies. The political disappointment plunges them into doubts about the question of whether there will be a solution to the country's humanitarian and economic crisis.

Citizens prefer to buy basic goods in popular markets because prices are a little more accessible than in the market. supermarket networks. However, sometimes they come back with their hands half empty so they do not get everything they need.

Antímano, an escalation in paradise

Antímano is one of those areas that is foreign to reality. many people from Caracas. However, those who live there are struggling every day with transportation problems and failures in domestic water and gas services.

Narrow alleys, cars passing on the sides almost touching, horns of motorcycles resound on the back of the people. A steep path, as high as the Angel falls, is traveled to reach the San José area. The slides and bottles used by locals to collect water, some of which are filled with dirty or dirty water, can be seen through the main streets and small paths.

The area of ​​San José lives its days as in the desert, the thirst is discouraging. the anguish of those who live there is increasing every day, due to the lack of response of the government entities to the problems of the community.

"We want water!", "Hidrocriminal", shouted people taking the containers home. The houses are side by side, most look like two floors, but the tilt of the road causes the effect.

"Here we can not wait for politicians, it hurts what is happening in the country because at 37 years old I lived in Venezuela, I have never experienced this situation I, in my fourth republic, as they (the government) have told you, have eaten my three meals a day really cool, "Yenitza Mudarre said on the house-to-house tour in the community .

The inhabitants of San José reject the precarious situations in which they live now and the bad policies implemented by the Mature government However, there are people who, although immersed in the current problems, continue to support the current system. "I am very realistic and I know what is happening in my country, people have to take off the blindfold and to accept what is happening here, whether Chavez or not, even Chavistas go through work, here those who live well in urbanizations also go through work, people do not deserve it, "said Mudarre. The area becomes more and more difficult, people living in the highest part of the neighborhood have to walk. In the sector there are at least five cars that transport people and are not sufficient to cover the demand of the transport service. "In addition, they charge you up to 35,000 bolivars to get on."

Venezuelans' complaints are heard in every corner of the country: the money is not enough to buy food, medicine, water and water services. light becomes less common, adding to the proliferation of diseases that have been eradicated in the country.

"People want an immediate change, people can not stand it." The road map has to do with the social pressure, which must be organized and articulated, the international accompaniment must be deepened and the unity of purpose (…) we must interpret the demand of the people " Guanipa explained

The MP pointed out that the tours that he made in Caracas and in different parts of the country should give an example of militancy different from the usual, being the one that runs through the neighborhoods and speaks with people to understand what they are living in.

"When I arrived in Caracas, I devoted myself to C & # 39; was to show that a national leader is one who travels in all the country and when he is constantly with people, "he said El Nacional Web

He added that Primero Justicia had given him the opportunity to launch his candidacy in the circuit of the municipality of Libertador was conceived as a way to be a f help for the people who live in the municipality and train activists in the different sectors of their circuits. "I am dedicated to being a member who cares about the municipality of Libertador."

While walking through San Jose, you hear the cries of children, people walking from the foothills of the huge climb. A lady carries in her hands two bottles of soda full of water and on her head she had a blue tobo full of water to temporarily solve the problem at home.

Antímano is one of those sectors that are in the eye of the hurricane of the lack of services but also under the forgotten solutions of the entities of the Venezuelan state. The municipality of Libertador shows that it is not the municipality of supreme happiness, as some call leaders attached to the government.

Santa Rosalía, area full of popular protests

On the 17th and 18th of this month, the inhabitants of Santa Eduvigis district, Santa Rosalía parish, protested in the streets to ask the national government restoring water service and improving gas service in the region. However, they did not get answers from government entities, the short-term solution was tanker trucks that did not reach the entire community.

"Now we have to move to San Casimiro (state of Aragua) to wash our clothes.We used to have water before and at night in the morning, the water was starting to run out, "said a gentleman climbing into his car bags full of clothes, as full as he was going to start a trip to another state of the territory.

Neighbors of Santa Eduvigis met in a field of the area to expose the actions of the next days.They said that when they made the protests during the week, the government sent a solution that lasted a few days.

One citizen pointed out that a program was already filled for water supply, which they were used to, but they completely removed the water. </ P> <p> The response of the government entities was that El Paraíso there was a pipeline that broke down.

"Nou we will continue to go out to demand a solution to the problem, the neighbors are in agreement, we have left here more than 100 people to protest, "he said.

He reported that due to the condition of the water there, many children had rashes and itchy skin. Water problems add to the poor sanitary conditions of the area, public transport, power outages without warning from the National Electric Corporation (Corporelec), as well as many other services. .

The municipality of Libertador is one of the so many in which reign the shortages and social problems of all the communities of the country.

Leaving the municipality of Libertador takes at least five minutes on the highway. However, the problems are still present despite leaving the view of the mirror behind. Residents of Caracas popular areas have shown that the social organization was fundamental to continue the demonstrations with the aim of demanding in the street the improvement of public services and therefore the quality of life of citizens .

look at the political distinction, the humanitarian crisis that goes through the country touches all the doors of Venezuelan houses. The clamor of the people continues to increase every day, citizens are in a constant uprising due to discontent and longing for what was the country before.

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