Announce a total lunar eclipse for July 27


  Announcing a total lunar eclipse for July 27

"It will exceed in time to last January 31 which lasted one hour and 16 minutes, and will be the longest of the century," says Professor Sergio Toscano, former director of the astronomical observatory Kolping.

It will take nearly four hours for the moon to cross the shadow of the earth. The total lunar eclipse will last a total of 103 minutes. The bad news for fans of astronomy in Argentina and throughout Latin America is that this eclipse will be seen only in its entirety in Africa, the Middle East, India, Australia and in some parts from Europe.

A total lunar eclipse It occurs when the moon passes through the shadow of the earth – known as the umbra – that occurs when the sun, the earth and the moon are lined up. During a total lunar eclipse, the moon becomes red because of sunlight filtered by the atmosphere of the earth. The lunar eclipse will be particularly long because, on July 27, the earth will be at its furthest point from the sun, known as "aphelion" and as a result, it projects a larger shadow; and at the same time, the moon will be at its furthest point in its monthly orbit around the earth, known as the lunar "Apogee". "According to our calculations and given the latitude of Misiones, the eclipse will start at 15:23 and end at 18:12," says Toscano.

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