Argentine and Brazilian prosecutors signed an agreement to share the evidence of the Odebrecht case



The Attorneys General of Argentina and Brazil formalized on Tuesday a agreement judicial cooperation for sharing the use of related evidence with the case of corruption discovered by the operation Lava Jato and in which the construction company Odebrecht was involved, according to sources official.

The Pact will allow the Argentine courts to make use of winning allegations and leniency agreements signed in Brazil as part of Lava Jato, who uncovered the world's biggest corruption scandal and involved Odebrecht and other major construction companies, said the Brazilian Prosecutor's Office in a press release.

"Several cases concerning the Odebrecht Company are in progress in Argentina and, with the and the evidence provided by Brazil it will be possible for the first time, from Accusing ex-officio involved in irregularities ", he said, the entity in the memo.

The signature of the document is occurred on Friday and is the result of negotiations that intensified during the last ] six months .

The agency reported that " Argentina se resisted to grant immunity to informants in exchange for information but this point was exceeded thanks to negotiations of the Secretariat of the International Cooperation (ICS) of the Public Ministry Federal "of Brazil .

] Cristina Romanó who is in charge of the SCI said in a note that the agreement means " huge advance in the relationship of international legal co-operation between two countries and one great step more in the fight against corruption . "

" After a ] long work negotiation between the SCI and the Argentine authorities, we managed to reach an agreement so that denunciations relating to corruption in Argentina are available for fiscal of this country ", Romano completed in a note sent to the press by the Federal Public Ministry of Brazil

Odebrecht played, with others fifteen con Brazilian structurers the scandal of corruption in history the country participates in a network which diverted, through fraudulent offers and inflated contracts, millionaire funds of the national oil company Petrobras.

Brazil, the case led to the prison of important businessmen and politicians, including former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who has served since April after a conviction 12 years and 1 month for passive bribery and money laundering.

However, the corruption at Odebrecht was not limited to Brazil and was extended by ten other countries of Latin America and Africa whose authorities investigate the payment of bribes to their politicians on behalf of the builder .

The Office of the Brazilian Prosecutor has already signed similar agreements with Switzerland Norway and The Netherlands and suspended of the same nature with the authorities Peruvian also in the case Odebrecht as a result of a complaint filed by the lawyers of the group [19659003Atthesametime Odebrecht also concluded Collaboration Agreements with Justice in Brazil United States Switzerland Republic Dominican [19659021] Panama Guatemala and Ecuador in which, in addition to paying millionaire fines he admits to having committed irregularities and s & # 39; pledges not to repeat them.

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