Argentine expert reports "delay" in cybersecurity in Latin America


San Salvador – The implementation of cybersecurity-focused measures has been "abandoned" in "some" Latin American countries, said in El Salvador in an interview with Efe l & 39; Argentinian expert Fabián Chiera, who also pointed out According to the Head of Digital Security of the Telefonica subsidiary, Eleven Path, many Southern Cone countries that have made progress in this area "have had to deal with cyber problems to implement artwork".

For the South American expert, who attended the Congress on Women and Leadership organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salvador, "no one or nothing is exempt of suffering. a cyber attack that exposes personal or other data and information. "

" No one or nothing is free of cyber attacks that occur day-to-day (…) we all have personal or other information that we should protect against cybercriminals, "said Chiera

The specialist explained that computer security should be understood as "the set of techniques, practices, technologies, processes and people who aim to protect the gangs so that no one attempts a cyberattack, a extraction or theft of information.

He pointed out that thanks to computer tools "you can apprehend the person or persons responsible for data theft and take appropriate measures or actions to avoid being surprised again. "

Chiera said that it is necessary" to get rid of the fact that the implementation of cybersecurity measures is expensive and complicated. "Executed at home, with the simple fact of being clear about the information we upload on social networks and to those who share them. "

He indicated that, at the workplace," a small business that does not have enough economic resources to invest in expensive IT security programs can use many alternatives to protect the data and information that it contains. " "The belief that security is achieved with expensive technologies is a mistake, because everything wants to protect the data by taking certain basic security measures, such as where we put the information and to whom we entrust them" . 19659003] Eleven Path chief of digital security also explained that the application of cybersecurity requires "well-developed strategies that are in charge of appropriate bodies and people to implement protection plans."

it is accompanied by technological growth "and, therefore, the more technology advances" we are more exposed to risks and needs The ability to protect ourselves will increase, because, obviously, cyberattacks will be more harmful. "[19659002] The expert concluded that people "should not see cybersecurity as something complex and difficult, which costs a lot of money, knowing how to manage one's own data and information."

" As soon as each of us starts to become interested in who we share our data with, where they are and who administers them, we will put in place a cybersecurity method that will not cost much. her "He stressed.

Chiera is also an expert in "blockchain" or block chain that refers to a digital technology that guarantees the veracity of online transactions, which became known in 2008 with the invention of digital currency bitcoin. EFE

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