Ariana Grande surprises with a radical change of look before her wedding | Peru21 | goose mana App


Ariana Grande, far from the spotlight after the bombing of Manchester where 22 people died and which definitely marked her life, now she's back again after announcing her commitment to ] Pete Davidson and the appearance on the cover of the magazine Elle wearing hair completely different from those of formerly

While Ariana Grande continued with her super long hair, she changed brown color by blond and shows it loose, this time did not wear her classic ponytail that all fans recognize as a distinctive sign of the singer.

Platinum blond hair of Ariana Grande caught unawares his followers, accustomed to his brown hair. However, Ariana Grande continues to look fabulous with this 90s makeup style that persists as the essence of the photo shoot she took.

The photo of Ariana Grande in one of the most important magazines of United States with a huge change of look coincided with the release of ] Sweetener his new album

Similarly, all is not happiness for Ariana Grande because in the interview that he gave to her, he talked about the tragedy of his concert. "The first-person experience makes you think of everything differently, everything is different," he said.

The publisher Nina García did not hesitate to publish one of the photos of the session with a small text highlighting the talent of the singer Ariana Grande .

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