Ariana recounts how she lived the days after the attack in Manchester


The 25-year-old pop singer, Ariana Grande talks about the terrorist attack that occurred almost a year ago during a concert of her "Dangerous Woman" tour at Manchester Arena United Kingdom, which ended with 22 people killed and about 500 wounded.

In an interview with Elle magazine, Ariana confessed that when she returned home after the attack, "I had strong vertigo and a feeling that I could not not breathe "adding that" I could be in a good mood, good and happy, but nowhere she hit me … I've always had anxiety but never before that had not been anything physical. "

Joan Grande, Ariana's mother, also recounted her experience during the bomb blast. He said that he was in the middle of the hearing when everything happened. "I felt like a fish swimming in the wrong direction, they all went and went backstage ," he said.

"I did not know where I was going. I just knew I was going to my daughter's house It is not a matter of dramatizing, but I did not know what I would find when I was there. I sympathize with each parent who was expecting his son.These minutes where you do not know what is happening … there are no words for that. "

Ariana and Joan are returned home after this tragic result. Once there, she says, the artist did not stop crying and did not speak for almost two days until the day she was in bed. He is approached by his mother and says, "Mum, let's be honest, I will never stop singing, but I will not sing before I do it in Manchester first." [19659004That'showitstarted One Love Manchester a charity concert that raised more than $ 23 million for all victims of the terrorist attack.

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