Armed rebels agree with army leaving Quneitra, Syria | news


Armed rebel groups, who controlled several areas in the vicinity of Quneitra (40 kilometers from Damascus, Syria), reached an agreement on their surrender with Syrian authorities the SANA agency reported Thursday

that the rebels accepted the terms of capitulation and handed over arms – including the heavy ones – to the Syrian army . According to the agency, members of militant groups will have the opportunity to regulate their status by passing an inspection in government agencies.

At the same time, if some of the militants refuse to lay down their arms, the authorities will allow them to leave the city of Quneitra and leave with their families to the province of Idlib, in the north of Syria.

The province of Idlib has been under the control of the armed opposition and Al Nusra Front terrorists since 2015. According to the terms of the reconciliation, activists from radical groups who have previously refused to surrender Government forces in Aleppo, Homs, East Guta and on the outskirts of Damascus, where anti-terrorist operations were carried out, were sent to this part of Syria

. In 2017, the province of Idlib entered the north de-escalation zone, of which Turkey is responsible for maintenance, after Ankara, with Moscow and Tehran, signed s rounds of consultations in Astana (Kazakhstan ) a memorandum as guarantor of the truce in Syria

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