Azure Cloud Services Guide


  data-center-cloud-server-cloud The Right Tools for Work

Microsoft launched the Azure service a little over eight years ago to catch up with Amazon Web Services. And that was successful. Azure is now the second cloud service behind AWS. The degree of delay varies from one company to another, but the general consensus is that it's a two-horse race.

Whether you are building an application or migrating an existing application to the cloud, you can use Azure to manage applications, regardless of size or complexity, using their selection of tools Management, including Azure Portal, PowerShell, Bash, and REST APIs. Azure also provides built-in support for monitoring, analyzing records, updating, backing up, and recovering sites.

It's easy to think of Azure as a Windows and Windows Server service and the .Net platform. But Microsoft supports multiple versions of the Linux enterprise; In fact, one-third of all migrations to Azure are in a Linux environment. So, Azure has other laps in her sleeve. Let me break down the big reasons for using Azure tools and services.

Azure Container Services, Serverless Computing and Microservices
Although Microsoft offers a widely used server platform in Windows Server and the Azure offer through Azure, it has also joined the revolution without container and without server, and is compatible with Docker and Kubernetes. Microsoft partners and consultants typically collaborate with customers to facilitate migration, or you can download an application to Docker Hub for development and testing, and then place them in the container service of your choice on Azure.

to containers, it is that there is not a wide variety of tools. With Azure, Microsoft has integrated Visual Studio and other tools for development, continuous testing and implementation. The integration of Visual Studio 2017 Docker with ASP.Net Core allows developers to design, build, and contain applications, as well as run Azure on Linux or Windows Server.

There is also an integration with Azure to send Docker images to Azure Container Registry, so you can compile an application and publish it with a single command. Visual Studio 2017 also supports local debugging, so it is not necessary to access the browser to be debugged in Azure. Therefore, you only pay for the moment the code is running.

If you want to use Kubernetes, Azure Container Service (AKS) provides a highly differentiated experience that supports its own services, such as Azure Container Instance (ACI), Azure Service Broker, and open source projects such as Virtual Kubelet, Helm, Draft, Brigade and Kashti.

The Microsoft server-less platform goes beyond containers in the continuous supply of small and simple purpose applications, capable of being managed by a small team of developers. Azure Logic applications help you create, program, and automate processes such as workflows to integrate applications, data, systems, and services across the enterprise.

Because logical applications are designed to handle different forms of data integration, Microsoft offers more than 150 ready-to-use connectors, including Salesforce, Office 365, Twitter, Dropbox, and Google services.

For essential microservices to the business, Azure Service Fabric has been designed to simplify the administration of microservices, balancing scales and loads, and connecting to infrastructure and services. Azure core services, such as the Azure Cosmos database, the Azure SQL database, the Azure event hubs, and so on. It is a distributed systems platform that facilitates the packaging, implementation and administration of reliable and scalable microservices and containers.

Azure services for growing applications on demand
Azure in this case, to add capacity to local maximized applications. It can be used to increase the capacity of your applications or to provide additional tasks, such as testing a new version of an application before deploying it and not interrupting the current operation.

Azure services are divided into two categories: cloud and traffic management. Cloud services include the primary node that should serve as the primary location for service execution, as well as virtual machines, virtual network, VPN services, and blob storage.

Microsoft Traffic Manager provides load balancing between local systems and Azure. It provides four methods of load balancing and traffic routing: Weighted performance, geography and round-robin . It can be used to explode, migrate or switch installations to the cloud.

The Microsoft Premium V2 level provides scaling (more CPUs, more memory) and horizontal scaling (more VMs) on demand. capacity But it is only available for Windows instances.

Azure Services for Devops
Azure simplifies the implementation of devops end-to-end, as well as the integration of existing tool chains. You can avail the services of devops of Azure, such as Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and Visual Studio App Center, or use your own selection of existing tools.

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is the devops hosted Microsoft cloud service that allows individuals or teams to share code, track work, and create and launch software for No matter what application and any platform. The service is fully managed by Microsoft and is provided to customers as a SaaS offer. Microsoft adds new features to VSTS every three weeks.

For existing Team Foundation Server (19459004) customers who want to take advantage of VSTS, Microsoft offers a fully managed and supported TFS to VSTS migration service. for the transfer.

App Center brings together several services, commonly used by mobile developers, in a single integrated product. You can create, test, distribute and control your mobile apps, and implement push notifications .

For customers using end-to-end platforms, such as Red Hat OpenShift or Pivotal Cloud Foundry, they can find test resources in the Azure Marketplace, as well as find complete reference architectures.

One of the most common use cases for customers who dive into the cloud is to experiment with development / test workloads. Azure has a service called DevTest Labs that lets you define usage strategies, control costs, and have detailed resource controls.

Azure Services for the Internet of Things
Microsoft makes a considerable effort for Microsoft Azure IoT. Your Microsoft Azure IoT Central is a fully managed end-to-end SaaS service to enable IoT contexts without the need for cloud expertise.

Like its application store models, there are Azure IoT Solution Accelerators to create fully customizable applications from templates for common IoT contexts, such as remote monitoring, predictive maintenance and connected factories.

For centralized management and coordination of IoT applications, Microsoft has the Azure IoT hub; and to manage devices, where an increasing amount of processing is done, Azure IoT Edge provides a fully managed service that provides information locally in the cloud. Microsoft is also offering Azure Sphere to securely manage devices with Internet-connected microcontrollers (MCUs).

Azure Services for Analytics
Microsoft has been extensively integrated with analysis, offering analyzes big data with Hortonworks and Cloudera, as well as a wide range of open source projects, through its HDInsight program. This includes Hadoop, Spark for in-memory scanning, Server R, HBase and Apache Storm clusters.

Hadoop tends to run in batch mode, while Spark runs more in real time because it runs in memory. For more real-time analytics, Microsoft offers Azure Stream Analytics. And if you want to accumulate massive amounts of data, but do not want to store it locally, Microsoft offers a Data Lake from which you can store and retrieve data.

Microsoft launched last year Azure Databricks, a service designed to configure analytic work on Apache. Spark The service promises to optimize workflows in Spark Analytics and natively integrate various Azure data sources, including Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Storage, Azure Cosmos Database, Azure Active Directory. and Power BI.

One of the main sources of Big Data are the recordings, and Microsoft provides considerable support for the recordings. There are Azure diagnostic infrastructure records, Windows IIS logs, error dumps, and custom error logs, as well as the ability to configure Azure alerts to inform you about events. Defined error.

Azure Services for Site Replication and Disaster Recovery
Azure Stack is an Azure extension that lets you run a consistent copy of a subset of Azure services in your center local data, which is unique among cloud providers. Microsoft sells it through partners such as HP Enterprise, Dell EMC and Lenovo.

Microsoft also regards Azure Stack as an extreme environment in which Azure Stack connects to Azure for data processing. Because APIs are the same, applications can be written once and deployed in Azure and Azure Stack; The same administrative tools, detour and automation are also applied, such as Visual Studio, PowerShell and several open source development tools.

The application template is based on Azure Resource Manager. same declarative approach for both platform applications. Developers can use existing Azure Resource Manager templates to compile Azure applications that can run locally on Azure Stack.

Azure Site Recovery from Microsoft has two goals: migrate Windows Server and Linux applications, and virtual machines to Azure. It also allows you to use Azure as backup in case your installations at the scene fall down. You can replicate applications on sites with Site Recovery and only pay when you use it. It can also be used as a disaster recovery for your Azure hosted applications using another region as a backup.

Andy Patrizio, InfoWorld via

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