Banco del Tesoro delivered sales outlets to La Bandera and Oriente terminals


.N .- The Treasury Bank (BT), in order to strengthen the new economic model, delivered 33 points of sale to the La Bandera and Oriente terminals, with the aim of facilitating Users and professionals of the flyer transactions of purchase and sale of tickets.

The activity was attended by the President of the Treasury Bank, Eneida Laya; of Ricardo Moreno, State Secretary for Entrepreneurship of the Government of the State of Miranda and Deputy Minister of Productive Youth and Labor, Vanesa Montero, who delivered the devices, in an act held in the auditorium José González Lander Control Center operations of the metro Caracas, located on University Avenue of the capital

In this regard, the banking authority said: "We deliver these outlets as an effort and a commitment from the Bolivarian government, in order to give a payment option to transport the users.Therefore, I call the conscience and the I & # 39; honesty not to use this instrument inappropriately, not to deflect it for illicit purposes. "

He added that a team from the financial institution would oversee the proper use of points of sale. "We will deploy the necessary staff to monitor and ensure the proper use of the point of sale.In case the use of these devices is distorted, the law will be enforced as established by the Central Bank of Venezuela, the Superintendency of the Institutions of the banking sector (Sudeban) and municipal ordinances. "

Laya pointed out that the electronic equipment allocated by the BT are completely free. "We do not charge anything to deliver this instrument, in our institution we do not have the figure of managers."

Remittance of Credits

During the day 78 credits were given to the professionals of the steering wheel and contractors belonging to the Frente de Producers Químicos de Miranda, for an amount of Bs. 31 800 million. (Ss 31 millions 800 000)

In this context, William Herrera, who is responsible for the manufacture of hygiene and cleaning products, commented: "The first time I receive a bank loan, I am remember that in 1983 I introduced a bank a file with about 40 requirements and they never called me.At today I can say that thanks to the Revolution and the BT for simplify the requirements, I receive this loan which will allow me to develop my business. "

Alejandro Peña, driver of the Caracas-Los Teques line, emphasizes:" It is important With the support of the bank, I will allocate this money for the purchase of spare parts and the maintenance of my transport unit, this will allow me to offer a better service to the users who deserve it so much.Very grateful to the Treasury for this precious help. "

The BT encourages support to the Nation, this to strengthen the device for and the provision of services such as electronic support and loans to the transport sector, as urged by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

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