Be careful! Sugar abuse can generate terrible diseases


Photo: Informe21

(Caracas, July 5. News24) – Sugar, the gift of kings, can be the cause of terrible diseases. The abuses in their consumption are general in our countries, where lifestyle goes hand in hand with processed foods such as soft drinks, industrial pastry, dairy desserts, ketchup, alcoholic beverages, energy drinks, jams, etc.

The World Health Organization recommends consuming only 25 grams of sugar per day, with 50 grams being the maximum limit for adults. But the reality is different and Dr. Margarita Botero, a specialist in obesity, warns us about addiction and its impact on our immune system.

The doctor raises five questions that may strip away your predilection: Do you have cravings for sweet food, pizza or pasta when you feel a little sad or depressed? Do you feel guilty about the amount of candy or carbohydrate you eat? Are you looking for something sweet to eat or drink each afternoon? Have you tried to reduce the amount of sugar without success? and you need to eat something sweet when you finish eating?

"All carbohydrates become sugar in your body," warns Botero, noting that "you may not have a very sweet palate, but bread sticks, in the background , you have a craving for sugar. "

The specialist puts a classic example: pass a candy, but eventually come back and order one. " When you are addicted to something (sugar, tobacco or alcohol) we expose ourselves to it knowing that it is harmful to our health," phrase.

Neither guilt will stop you, because even feeling the negative consequences (stomach ache, fullness) you will not be able to stop consuming.

If the reduction taking candy puts you in a bad mood, gives you headache or even experiences involuntary tremors it's time to go to specialist.

With the information of Informe21

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