"Beauty is powerful, doors open"


For the people, Prince Julio Caesar (Valencia, 1979) is the president of Miss Terre Venezuela, but when asked he says that he is "a lover of the family, his mother, of Venezuela , a lawyer who has a husband, who loves to travel, who does not bathe or brush his teeth on Sundays and who works to realize his dreams. "

His real name is Julio César Cruz Molina and although some believe that he is a fashion designer, he studied law at the University of Carabobo and did not err because he spoke vehemently and, most of the time he has a ready answer for any question. "I've been racing the first year, but this world has completely absorbed me, and sometimes I say that the day that this step will end, I'll go back to justice, "he told his office at the Quinta Makaira in Globovisión, the details of the beauty contest that will take place on August 12. [19659003] – Do you consider this a scene?

-All in life is a step. One comes to this world to complete a cycle and the important thing is that you build on solid foundations for it to remain, for you to pass and that another person will come to assure continuity, in my case it will be the Miss Terre Venezuela. Today, I am the president with Alyz Henrich, but she and I are certain that a generation of relays will see the light of day.

– When did you know you wanted to hold a beauty pageant?

– I have never considered being president of a beauty pageant. It came in my life circumstantially. The proposal was made to Alyz Henrich and she called me and I agreed but before I assured her that she had a television platform to support us.

– What value do you attribute to beauty?

-Power. Beauty opens doors, especially in the world of entertainment. I've always said that an intelligent man walks with a beautiful woman, you see? that's why I'm with Alyz Henrich (laughs).

-C is controversial, why do you think that they call it?

-For what is controversial, for me it's the truth. I do not like lying, I always say what people do not dare to say, what my heart feels, I do not like masks, I see human beings without clothes. The titles seem ridiculous to me.

– And why "Prince"?

-Because mom always told me Prince, "you are my little prince". And my father too. That's the reason, but I am the antithesis of what is a prince because a prince does not wear heels, he's not rebellious, he does not say not what he thinks because he is subject to rules. I do not speak and I say what I want. My motto is that I have come into this world to be happy and I will not allow anyone to make me feel bad, which is why they call me controversial.

-Stephanie de Zorzi and Ninoska Vásquez are exuberant women, after which canon of beauty goes this year?

-We are interested in women being real, not just a perfect face and body. Times have changed and I feel that the Venezuelan woman is much more than that, she is warlike, intelligent, capable. We want it to have content, that its verb is very beautiful.

– Emphasizes the way he is expressed beyond the physical.

– This is correct. We are interested in going far beyond the physical, body and perfect heights. We are looking for smart women with content in the brain. At the moment I just saw Miss United States, she is 1.65 meters tall, but this girl when she talks to a magic that goes through the screen and you, as an audience, you pass it on and you say: that's it. This is what we are looking for in Miss Terre Venezuela. A woman who manages an adequate and intelligent lexicon. If we have to reduce it or make an aesthetic treatment, we do it, but it is incidental and secondary. A few years ago, the greatest powers in the world changed their beauty canons, why should not we do it? I've always said that there are two ways to stand out: when they see you or when you talk.

– In recent months, there have been strong accusations against Miss Venezuela, what do you think about it, and how does this prevent your competition from being reported for the same reasons?

-I'm not happy about what's going on because I grew up seeing him and seeing the terrible turn that he gave today, for the worse, that it was. Is sad. It is sad that the people who held their reins allowed the situation to happen because something so beautiful, so great, should not have been given to this situation that affects us all because when women leave here it is not Venevisión or Globovision. They have a group that says "Venezuela" and period. How can I keep my brand and channel isolated? Look, these are just not the values ​​we represent in this entity.

– How Miss Terre Venezuela Candidates With Few Resources To Pay For Operations, Costumes, Dresses?

– Miss Earth Venezuela candidates have nothing to pay. Because? Because we have business allies who take care of miss smiles. Yesterday, we operated seven. Sharon Cimolino is in charge of the medical group in charge of the development of operations. They only pay for blood tests. What is the benefit of them if they do not wear the crown? With technical touches, these girls will be more beautiful than they already are and it will be forever. They do not need to look for a sponsor. The winner has a contract year with Globovisión and a salary that is paid and it is so we have to demand it. What do you propose? A two-hour television show? It's not going to do what managers say. It's an organization where there are pre-established guidelines when they become candidates sign a contract until August 12th.

– What are the prices for this year?

-As they are the same as last year.

– How much does the edition of Miss Earth Venezuela 2018 cost?

– (laughs) A few zeros, a lot of help, commitment, organization and support from the private company.

– What is your opinion of Osmel Sousa?

– I feel that his image is affected right now, that in one way or another they have hurt him. That's what I can observe and see. After all that has happened, he has the ability to reinvent himself and to be like the phoenix and to be born again. He has a consolidated career, he has to turn the page and come up with a new format he really wants to continue in this area and offer something different to the television and to the Venezuelan public. During these difficult months, many people supported, but also had detractors. When this happens, one must ask: what do they claim? All is that human beings must learn to be more humble because they do not give room to others to mistreat them, speak badly of them and want to do a fandango because maybe this n & # 39; It's not like that, it's not as cruel as people have said, but because of their attitude, they believed it. I think he's learned from that, that he's learning the lesson, being more humble and close to people, from the press. At the end of it all, you wake up every morning, brush your teeth, go to the bathroom, have breakfast. I saw it a little more humble in front of people's eyes, I hope it's true. I will not join the inquisitor, to make firewood from the tree shot because I would not want it done with me. It is a principle of humanity. @yolimer

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