Benefits of exercising with your pet


According to the People and Pets Exercising Together study (PPET), conducted by an obesity specialist at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital's Institute of Welfare in Chicago, it is stated that the people who have dogs arrive to do longer marches with greater continuity, compared to those who do not, because the animals are responsible for driving them to walk, which increases the chances To do daily exercises, it is very important that the animal is trained to keep up with your pace and thus maintain the continuity of the exercise, otherwise the benefit will not occur.

"Practice different modalities of exercise for 45 minutes a day such as skating, running or cycling with your pet, this will allow them to improve their fitness and start to notice effects. positive for both, "said Ramón Arenas, director of sports production. Sports World.

In addition to having fun with your dog, exercising with your pet will allow you to have fun. obtain health benefits such as those presented by Sports World:

1. Reinforce your link: This will help you to be more obedient.

2. The psychological balance: prevent you from breaking objects at home.

3. Sleep deeply all night, so that it does not bark for no apparent reason.

4. Your dog will be more sociable with strangers: you will not have to worry about bad behavior the next time you take him to the park.

5. Less stress: As happens to humans, exercise will help you feel calmer and happier, which will greatly reduce your stress.

Source: de10 / MF

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