Bernal admitted that they lost governance


Freddy Bernal, protector of Táchira, joined the critical voices of Chavez. Last Sunday, he admitted that the executive lost governance. The leader of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela said that they are responsible for the good and harm that occur in the country.

"We have even lost governance.It must be said.And we are responsible for that.The fourth republic is not responsible.Carcelain Andrés Pérez is not responsible.We are responsible because we have 19 years of revolution and we are already responsible for the good and the bad in this country, "said the national coordinator of Local Supply and Production Committees in a video broadcast by the media NTN24 [19659004] On these statements, Diosdado Cabello, president of the National Constituent Assembly and First Vice President of the PSUV, said: "Criticism and self-criticism are fundamental things in our activism, of course. where we have learned and advanced.Constructive criticism, you have to take good things, and when there is something you have to face.The first critic of our government was always Hugo Chávez, and Nicol "In case of failures, we rectify and correct errors," he declared

. The economist Jesús Faría, who said on July 8: "The control of change has played a fundamental role. We have managed to grow and stabilize the economy, but it is no longer producing results. "

The constituent pointed out that the foreign exchange reserves that were in the country were exhausted, so that their allocation is no longer effective, the black dollar has skyrocketed."

Minister of Finance Education, Elías Jaua; the mayor of the municipality of Libertador, Erika Farías and the constituent Adán Chávez have asked to "democratize" the party.

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