Bernal c. Héctor Rodríguez


The astounding failure of socialism of the 21st century is not only due to incompetence and corruption, but also to the great lack of sensitivity and humanity that has condemned all Venezuelans to an atrocious struggle for life beginning with its most primitive phase, food.

The ravages caused by hunger that manifest in the nutritional deficit are evident, according to the organization of the Catholic Church, Cáritas-Venezuela, one in 8 children is dying of hunger, about 300,000 children could to starve in the coming months, 80% of children suffer from nutritional deficiency and 10% suffer from severe malnutrition.

Today, an ox steak is only an idealized memory, an inaccessible protein that can be acquired by those who have foreign currency. With hyperinflation, which according to IMF estimates will reach this year 1 000 000%, the humanitarian crisis will worsen in the short term and we will move to a situation of extreme poverty, which will increase the exodus of Venezuelans desperate for famine. forced to emigrate

The diocesan directors of Caritas pronounced themselves through a communique, in which they refer to the undisguised rupture of the social order, and affirm that "at this moment the human dignity is attacked and disrespectful, especially in those who are most vulnerable, in whom frailty and dependence have been exacerbated by nutritional deficiency, lack of drugs, abuse of state power and deterioration of services basic essentials. "

Given the strength and magnitude of the facts, the government, master of the art of deception, responds by the falsification of reality, speaks of virtual prosperity while in reality the "new homeland" is only ruin and misery. Our lavish nature is only a memory of the past, overcome by the ineptitude of a revolution that, in almost twenty years, has only been fighting the lands of the producers and made the state the largest unproductive owner of the country's history

Constitutionally bound to guarantee the people the rights to life, food and health, the government goes crazy and neglects the serious problems that the population suffers; responds, as always, to the falsification of facts when he is the only one responsible for the crisis created in socialism, in almost twenty years.

In a rape of apparent sincerity, socialist leader Freddy Bernal acknowledged: "This crisis has not provoked the fourth republic nor Carlos Andrés Pérez.We are provoking it because we have 19 years of revolution". In his mea culpa, Bernal admits: "It makes me ashamed, we even lost the governability itself."

The self-criticism of the CLAP National Chief was well received in the public opinion and manifested the feeling of a sector as internal government party that should be voiced at the 3rd PSUV Congress of the week – although we can expect such congresses only ideological hallucinations.

Be that as it may, Bernal's judgments contrast with the cruel rudeness of the governor of Miranda, Hector Rodriguez, who sent without blushing an infamous phrase: "If you do not have to eat, it's not our fault, work harder and maybe you can live as you want, and if you do not like socialism, the borders are open to leave the country. "This is the true madurist thought, which gives priority to their beliefs in front of a question, for them a minor question, like food and survival.

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