Bethesda finally talks about the Fallout 76 disaster


Fallout 76

The biggest disappointment this year 2018 has undoubtedly been Fallout 76, a game that was expected much of the great legacy of the franchise to which it belongs but which, ultimately, changes made, has become a real disaster on several levels. Of course, this has had consequences, especially in a fairly intense community that has constantly made known its dissatisfaction. Finally, Bethesda issued a statement to respond to the attacks that have taken place against him in recent days.

Through a special communication, Bethesda Game Studios he said deeply sorry for all the problems that were reported from Fallout 76, noting that they understand the anger of some and make sure that they work hard to improve the experience as quickly as possible.

"We know that they are frustrated and angry about the current state of things, either by the problems with which they engage in the game, or by the lack of communication about the arrangements we make. To be clear, this account is controlled by the Bethesda Game Studios community team. "

"We do not want them to think that silence means nothing has been done, we apologize and understand that this was not the way to go, and we will work to significantly improve the bridge between you and you. 'development team', concludes the document rather dryly.

We are waiting for your comments on this subject. We think the answer Bethesda gives for the moment.

Source: Bethesda

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