Bishop Azuaje urged to rebuild the country's social leadership


Monsignor José Luis Azuaje, President of the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela, was energetic in his speech during the installation of the hundredth tenth plenary assembly of the episcopate, in which he blamed the government for the bad policies that led Venezuelans to poverty and emigrate. He also called the attention of the opposition, which he called to consolidate the unity and contribute to the reconstruction of the country's social leadership with other sectors.

The Archbishop of Maracaibo said that the opposition needed a driving force. He said that there is a fragmented opposition leadership with individual projects that indicate the seizure of power without a joint project of the country. "So many initiatives that work by themselves, where it is believed that perfection and reason protect them individually." Venezuela does not rebuild itself in pieces, can not wait to repeat each of the proposals; Where the need for unity, to see the faces, to look for common ground, to leave political arrogance, "he said at the event that brought together representatives of the Venezuelan Catholic Church and civil society.

From the pastoral exhortation of the national panorama, Archbishop Azuaje said that social leadership should be built not only from the top, but from the social foundation.

Among his concerns are the lost development opportunities in the past. country, as a result of the implementation of a political model, which he describes as obsolete, predatory, totalitarian and hegemonic, "for which a minority struggle that has engendered poverty in the people."

The prelate said that it is a cry and react to this moment of meeting with the country. He asserted that there was "another Venezuela", that of a people who felt cheated and who each day raised their voice through the multiple protests that are recorded throughout the national territory.

"This city is talking, the thousands of protests that occur daily, although they are not reported in the media, show the great dissatisfaction that exists in the absence of rationality and". expertise of those who must make decisions in public matters, "said the archbishop.

Azuaje criticizes and describes lack of humanity as some political leaders call "death of the guarimbas" to more than 130 killings of the 2017 protests. "Many people who have gone bankrupt in this country are boasting about it. to be Catholic Christians (& mldr;) the lives of these people were worth more than this so-called revolution.We see so many deaths and we do not see the Christian in. Young people are not an object that must be eliminated. "

"We are in a boiling country"

Ángel Oropeza, representative of Frente Amplio Venezuela Libre, described as wise the appeal launched yesterday by the Church. He noted that the mandate includes not only opposition parties, but all national sectors.

"It is a time when the country demands that we all engage in a common cause.What unites us most is the rejection of what is happening and the need to overcome it; to do so is to unite, "he said at the inauguration of the Plenary Assembly of the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela

He said that it currently exists a boiling country with more than 30 daily protests and that they are disintegrating. without a coordinator, so they need effective leadership.

He said the Broad Front is working on it, so it was installed in 16 states, 8 of which had difficulties due to the lack of unity of the sectors.

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