Bitcoin in Microsoft Excel and how the adoption of crypto-currencies goes unnoticed | CryptoNews


The bitcoiner community went crazy yesterday after a photo, posted on Twitter, showed the Bitcoin symbol in Microsoft Excel, among the various currency options. Spanish-speaking users and media described the event as a recent adoption of Microsoft. However, this option is enabled since 2017 in versions of Excel for Windows and Mac OS.

The twitterer Dennis Parker uploaded a photo where he showed the Bitcoin symbol among the Microsoft Excel currency options, indicating that it was a new option. What started out as a new celebration of Bitcoin's recognition by Microsoft has become an anecdote to illustrate how the presence of the crypto market in multiple instances goes unnoticed.

Microsoft has incorporated the Bitcoin symbol and the calculation of the figures represented in BTC in 2017, option announced by executive Martin Butler. Bitcoin support as a currency has been active for three years on Windows 10 computers, Mac OS and Android and IOS devices.

Users of the Bitcoin Talk forum also commented last year that the symbol could be added automatically in Excel booklets or manually under the code "=" ₿ "& SUM (E3: E34)". prove that Excel already had Bitcoin among its options for 2018.

Unknown or popularity?

Members of the Reddit community responded to Dennis Parker, noting that the inclusion of the symbol had occurred years ago, but had gone completely unnoticed. "This comment is ironic when you realize that it happened three years ago and nobody noticed or paid attention to it," said one user to another user. who was talking about the spread of popular culture in Bitcoin. Other Reddit members have stated that although bitcoin has gained popularity in recent years, it's still a strange concept for a large part of the population.

The interest in Bitcoin reached its peak at the end of 2017 thanks to the bull market, with several major media titles. In addition, the words "cryptocurrency" and "Bitcoin" are increasingly popular in searches on Google and Twitter. However, a true education on blockchain technologies has not yet reached the majority of the population. Similarly, interest in cryptocurrencies has been dictated to a large extent by market movements.

While networks and media are torn between popularity and disinterest in the cryptography market, the adoption of Bitcoin continues slowly but surely. From the travel agency in Argentina to universities in Switzerland to the South African and Japanese retail stores, some examples show that BTC is becoming an increasingly popular means of payment despite low recognition.

Warning: The views and opinions expressed in this article belong to its author and do not necessarily reflect those of CriptoNoticias.

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