In the case of Ethereum, a total of 15,500 mentions a day are made in relation to this cryptocurrency. On the other hand, Ethereum Classic generates a much lower average, with only 277,000 mentions a day, while Bitcoin Cash is mentioned a total of 1.4 thousand times a day.
Cryptocurrencies like EOS generate 2.5 thousand mentions daily; Litecoin a total of 2.1 thousand tweets, Ripple (XRP) 3.7 thousand times and NEM just over 1.4 thousand mentions a day. The digital assets that generate less movement in social networks are Zcash with 335 mentions and Dash with 995 daily tweets .
Proponents of Hernz commented on published statistics indicating that in some cases, such as Ethereum, these mentions did not count as comments on cryptocurrency, since it was rather messages spam . In addition, in some cases, there are scams or pishing schemes aimed at stealing information or money from cryptocurrencies users; situation that it is difficult to calculate the level of diffusion of each asset.
However, it is important to mention that Twitter is one of the most used social networks by the cryptocurrency community – in conjunction with Reddit -. In this sense, the platform can be converted in the long term into a meter on the popularity and spread of digital assets around the world, claiming for the moment that Bitcoin is the most well-known currency of the crypto-market .
Featured image for Groenning / stock.adobe.com
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