Blockchain • Forbes Mexico


By Fernando de la Vega *

Blockchain. The word itself resonates like the title of a Hollywood movie … It causes a high degree of uncertainty and questioning, considered a revolution … Something incredibly innovative and in same time very confused … But … what is Blockchain? technology that supports the use of crypto-currencies such as -Bitcoin- that made the central banks nervous do not know how to proceed, whether to ban them, to accept them or simply to to wait until they disappear as another fashionable technology #DrawSomething # 3DTV

But Blockchain, although it was created to allow authenticity cryptocurrencies, has evolved, acquired new uses, opened new opportunities and traced new visions limited only by the creativity of those who dominate the subject. ] Concretely, Blockchain provides a "shared digital book" of transactions referring to its date of creation and its name that everyone in the network can see. Essentially, it is a "block" of chained computers that must pass an exchange before they can be audited and registered globally.

Now, what does all this mean? Is it another challenge for the entrepreneur to have to deal with new technologies? Is this a good opportunity? Did I really interrupt my marathon Luis Miguel: The series for that? How can we learn about it or use it?

In the 1990s, very few people believed in the veracity of the Internet. They did not imagine a world in which "computers" could communicate with each other around the world. And even less imagined this new product that, wherever you are, you could take it by hand and maintain a connection with other computers. However, it was not until 2007 that Steve Jobs, with the iPhone, changed the course of technology forever.

Now let's see Blockchain with another perspective. Many people only link the technology behind Bitcoin, but disruptive entrepreneurs do not think that's the case, in fact, they are not only educated and knowledgeable about the issue, but they have also developed multimillionaire businesses around industries that Blockchain will reach. to penetrate.

#Kadena #Ethereum #Wanchain #Alteum #BlockChain

And just a few years after the beginning of the technology, we have reached the point where we use the word Bitcoin. Describing Blockchain has become a cliché because at the time was talking about a disruptive technology that connected the world with the simple title of "Internet".

The problem with technological advances is that they can usually fall into the exaggeration of their potential and future, in fanciful dreams like high speed underground transport #HyperLoop ( already undergoing functional tests …), or a functional digital layer on the real world #AugmentedReality (Pokemon Go was not only created to annoy our neighbors …) now they notice a sequence here.

This generation is not like the others, these technologies The "futurists" are no longer illusions that we will never see. They are real and facing the challenges of change in Latin America and around the world, disruptive entrepreneurs will have the mission to transform the story of today by creating new realities for tomorrow. Avancemos …

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