Blockchain seizes the planet


Christy Contreras. Caracas.- Blockchain or blockchain that generates audible books audible by users and eliminates the intervention of third parties in the process, is a technology with applications that transcends the financial world.

The cryptocurrences burst dizzily in this scenario since 2009 with the arrival of Bitcoin and Blockchain breaking paradigms of a space in which we thought everything was said and done.

It was not only about creating a decentralized digital currency, independent of governments and central banks, but it also brought a new technology that, like the Internet, revolutionized the whole world.

Currently, those who govern in different countries of the world are looking for ways to get into the wave and adapt to this new technology.

In Venezuela, the state created its own cryptocurrency "El Petro", backed by oil and gold reserves.
Meanwhile, countries such as China, Estonia, Sweden and Canada have put on the table the possibility of having their digital currency without materialization up to now.

In the case of Russia in January this year, President Vladimir Putin proposed the creation of a multinational cryptocurrency and to evaluate this possibility, he met the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, as well as specialists from 15 countries. field, including experts from the United States, India, Israel, Armenia and Turkey, among other countries.

The initiative of the Russian President would be of greater scale and his goal is to connect through the Blockchain and Smart Contracts to the most powerful emerging economies of Asia, Europe and Europe. East, Africa and South America

be adopted collectively by the BRICS and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

Outside the financial world
This technology quickly moved beyond the boundaries of the financial environment and began to be used in health-related applications, data management of different governments, logistics operations, the establishment of digital contracts and more again.

Mónica Singer, a member of Blockchain Global's advisory board, said "The Blockchain would produce a new world order that will forever change the way we do business," according to Sputnik on its website.

For the expert a large number of companies, including the stock market, have to evolve or will be "obsolete", noted that there was a decline in the stock market because of the movement of the company. Cryptocurrency money and Blockchains.

Among the applications of block chains outside the financial field are projects such as: "SimplyVital Healt", a platform which, as indicated on its website, is responsible for " the management of patient and provider health data in the region, among their services are the coordination of communications with the patient, through algorithms, predict costs in near real time, thanks to the technology Blockchain creates a verification track safe for care ".

Transactivgrid is also located on its website located in Brooklyn, New York, USA. Its platform measures, transposes and programs the green energy that they produce for Communities through Blockchain, which at the same time allowed them to develop "Exergy", a data project with which they create localized markets by conducting energy transactions across existing network infrastructure.

The "Zooz" is based on Blockchain, in this case applied in people's everyday life. On its website, is defined as "a community-owned, decentralized transport platform that uses the unoccupied space of vehicles to create a variety of intelligent transportation solutions".

Intelligent Transportation

For them, intelligent transportation involves "maximizing existing infrastructure and resources instead of adding new ones. Better use of resources creates affordable transportation without the need for more roads or vehicles.

Sharing in real time is key, allowing people with private cars to have a trip with others who are going in the same direction. "

The application is responsible for" synchronize empty seats with real-time transportation needs, matching like-minded people to create a pleasant experience and a fair rate paid in cryptocurrency. "[19659003] Other projects
Other projects also include the Kodak Photography Company, which is developing a Blockchain-based system to ensure the recognition of photographers' intellectual property rights and obtain payments for them.

Thus, little by little, as the Internet, the chain of blocks invades the world, its exchanges of information and data that, with artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things generating a new world order to which Mónica Singer, a member of the Blockchain World Advisory Council, refers.

"Change is there, it is ubiquitous, disruptive and you can learn if you want," said Singer, who felt that all individuals should "learn to use the Blockchain not to lose the benefits that will be incorporated in this new technology with which we can all exchange. "

Still unripe

But like every paradise has its snake, the wonderful Blockchain faces an obstacle and that is that According to Olga Skorobogatova, representative of the Central Bank of Russia, blockchain technology is not It is mature enough to be adopted en masse because it needs to improve its security and scalability.

Skorobogatova also assured that "the use of technology only because of the technology does not make sense", alluding to the number of startups that use this system in different sectors just because of the popularity that he has recently gained.

Meanwhile, a study developed by the Cloud Computing Institute and Macrodata (CAICT), attached to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technologies of China (MIIT), revealed that out of more than 80,000 projects that have been launched, currently only 8% (about 6,400) continue to be developed, while others are abandoned shortly after the year.

He Baohong, director of CAICT, said in the framework of the international exhibition of Macrodata industry, which took place in the Asian country that 92% of Blockchain projects cease to develop " after about 15 months, "he says.

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