Bolivia suspends sale of drugs containing Valsartan


The Bolivian health authorities yesterday issued a health alert to suspend the marketing of drugs containing the active substance known as Valsartan.

"We have the obligation as a state to protect the health of the population and to issue a health alert by avoiding the marketing of this product that we need to clarify is d". Chinese origin, "Maria Julia Carrasco, director of the National Agency for Medicines and Health Technologies (Agemed), told the media

. the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS)

Valsartan is an ingredient used to treat high blood pressure and which is available only or in combination with other active substances. The drug comes from the company Zhejing Huahai, established in Lindal (China).

Earlier this month, the Spanish Ministry of Health ordered the removal of more than one hundred drugs containing Valsartan.

The withdrawal and warning of these drugs in Spain were carried out by "prevention" after detection of "N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)", a carcinogenic impurity.

Following alerts from Europe, Latin America such as Panama and the Republic The Dominican Republic issued warnings on the consumption of drugs with this active ingredient, and the following: Uruguay announced last week the withdrawal of drugs containing it.

Carrasco said that the population should not be alarmed and that people who prescribed this medicine should tell your doctor to give them an "alternative treatment" or "check that the drug does not have this principle active of Chinese origin ".

He added that this suspension will be effective until there is an official statement by the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Pan American Health Organization. Health (OPS) on drugs.

This alert has already been communicated to Bolivian pharmaceutical establishments, departmental services According to a statement from the Ministry of Health, health and scientific societies of medicine do not prescribe more drugs.

Not only did Bolivia take precautions, but several countries in South America took the same route to suspend the sale of drugs. At least 22 states have declared a health alert on this issue after the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) confirmed the possible dangerousness of this substance.

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