Brazil: A seven-month-old baby dies from measles in Amazonas


The Brazilian authorities today confirmed the death of a seven-month-old baby by measles in the city of Manaus capital of the state d & # 39; 39; Amazonas (north), for which it represented three the number of victims of this disease in recent months.

The baby, who had not been vaccinated, died on June 28, but the causes were confirmed Thursday by the Ministry of Health of Manaus, a city that decreed the same day. state of emergency after a new hatching of measles

Only in Manaus have been confirmed since March infectious disease caused by the virus "Morbillivirus" and which particularly affects children.

"The growth of suspected cases increases the possibility of spread to other states of the country and jeopardizes the commitments for the maintenance of the certificate of elimination note the document of the secretariat

Besides the Amazonas, the state of Roraima, also in the north of the country, has recorded two deaths from measles in recent months.


In February last, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) warned of the increase of measles in Europe in 2017, with 35 deaths and 21 deaths. one hundred more than in 2016 where a historic minimum was reported with five thousand 273 cases.

A total of 15 of the 53 countries that make up the European region of the WHO suffered a "major epidemic" of measles in the last year, Romania tops with 5,562 cases, followed by Ita 5,600 cases and Ukraine with 4,767.

After these three countries, the other countries with epidemics were Greece (927 cases), Germany (927), Serbia (702), Tajikistan ( 649), France (520), Russia (408), Belgium (369), United Kingdom (282), Bulgaria (167), Spain (152), Czech Republic (146) and Switzerland (105) "

" More than 20,000 cases of measles and 35 lives lost in 2017 are a tragedy that we simply can not accept, "said the regional director. of WHO for Europe Zsuzsanna Jakab in a statement issued as part of the ministerial meeting on health in Montenegro

Each new person affected Measles in Europe reminds us that the Unvaccinated children and adults, wherever they live, are always at risk of contracting the disease and passing it on to other people who may not be vaccinated. "


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