Brazil: With incendiary comments, the far-right candidate denied the military coup and compared it to Trump


Jair Bolsonaro burned the networks with his statements on a television program Source: DPA

RIO DE JANEIRO.- Blacks are responsible for slavery. There was no coup d'etat during the installation of the last
military regime in Brazil. Many who say that they are tortured were not there.

Donald Trump
does a great job. Fraud is to be feared in the next Brazilian elections … With its controversial positions,
far right MP Jair Bolsonaro, one of the favorites for the

presidential elections in october
drew the country's attention last night during a live television interview that set fire to social networks, the virtual terrain where it moves best.

The participation of Bolsonaro, candidate of the PSL The program "Roda Viva" of TV Cultura had waited for several weeks. A fierce critic of the press, the 63-year-old legislator came to question his presence and was in fact the last of the presidential ones to answer questions from the variable panel of journalists that this time included representatives of Folha de São newspapers. Paulo, Valor Economico, O Globo and Estado de São Paulo, in addition to the magazine Veja.

Visibly nervous at first, Bolsonaro later gained security by adding controversial statements and focusing journalists' attention on the problems of the past. and often contradictory proposals for a possible government. At the end of the evening, the bold captain of the Army Reserve which is just a few steps away from the Planalto Palace ranked first in the world among Twitter's "hot topics", TV Cultura recorded the second best audience of the year (exceeded only for an interview with Federal Judge Sergio Moro in the same program), and the video of the interview on YouTube has reached nearly half a million

"Anyway, the elections are suspicious", was the first radical sentence Bolsonaro fired, criticizing the e-voting system in Brazil and the refusal of the Justice to authorize the printed vote, as he promoted it.

polls, with 19% of voting intentions, Bolsonaro is located at the top of the preferences if the incarcerated ex-president is not taken into account

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Workers' Party (PT), with 30% of support, since the electoral law would not allow the ex-president to compete after being sentenced in second instance to 12 years of prison for corruption as part of Operation Lava Jato. Behind them, the ecologist Marina Silva, Red Solidarity (Red), with 15% of the voting intentions; the ex-governor of Ceará Ciro Gomes, Labor Democratic Party (PDT), with 10%; and the former governor of San Pablo Geraldo Alckmin, of the Brazilian Social Democrat Party (PSDB), with 7%, among 33% of undecided Brazilians.

Bolsonaro refused to answer if he accepted the result of the polls though he was not the winner, but he assures that he will contest the contest despite the risk of fraud. "I will fight one way or another, we are all suspicious and we know that power is heavy," he said.

He also wondered if Lula was more popular than he is today. "What I feel in the streets, is that I have more votes than Lula, I am received in a completely different way than Lula 's with her caravans (before d & rsquo; to be detained) .C & # 39; s is how I go to every corner of Brazil.The acceptance of my name is huge, what people see in me, is trust, credibility ", He said in a superb tone.

When asked what he wants to be the mark of his eventual management, he says he intends to do from Brazil "a liberal economy, which would trade with the whole world, without ideological prejudices", and once again attacked what was done by leftist governments of the PT.He acknowledged, however, that he did not know great thing about the economy, but that it will leave the task to the charge of his adviser Paulo Guedes, a recognized specialist in the field, educated at the University of Chicago. [19659015] "There was no military coup"

After these brief looks towards the future, the collective interview was anchored in the themes of the past, mainly in the defense that Bolsonaro made of the last military dictatorship (during the dismissal vote of Dilma Rousseff, in 2016, the deputy honored Colonel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, a well-known executioner who was feared by Rousseff when he was captured by the army.) "There was no military coup in 1964, when the door was overthrown Congress, "corrected the deputy to one of the reporters, in reference to the former president João Goulart, who left the country after the mobilization of troops.

He also rejected that many victims of the military crackdown told the truth, but refused to open the archives of the Armed Forces. "Those people who say that they are tortured, in some cases I think that they were tortured and some harm happened to them, but not a lot, it's a policy, a way they said that they were tortured to get compensation, get their people pity, get votes and power, "he said, and then say that" it's history, these are injuries that we should not remember. "

" Blacks Delivered Other Blacks "

Asked by his opposition to racial quotas in universities and state positions, as a way to pay the debt that slavery left to the black population in Brazil, the MP refused to 39 accept this attitude, and rejected the accusations that he is racist, misogynist and homophobic.

"I did not enslave anyone, it was the blacks themselves (in Africa) who overthrew other blacks … what debt is it?" He said. angry while many they expressed their surprise with gestures.

The comparison with Trump

Although Bolsonaro often avoided comparisons with the US president

Donald Trump
This time he took a question to congratulate him and assimilate it. "Trump makes an excellent government," he said, "he wants a big USA, I want a big Brazil, he talks about God, I'm also talking about God, he defends the family and I also defend the family.
& # 39; false news & # 39; (false news), something that I have suffered for years in Brazil. "

Like Trump, Bolsonaro knew how to make the most of social networks to spread his message and According to consulting firm Arko Advice, the PSL candidate is followed by about 8.5 million people on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, although a recent study of the InternetLab Institute warned that 33% of the profiles of its supporters are fake, controlled by computers.

Despite being a virtual phenomenon, at the political level, it has cost Bolsonaro a lot to weave alliances for his candidacy, and until then he has convinced anyone to accompany him He is still in negotiations with the reluctant lawyer Janaína Paschoal – l & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; One of the authors of the impeachment claim against Rousseff – but in his desperation, he also plans to offer the post to the astronaut Marcos Pontes – first Brazilian by going to the l & # 39; space, and "Prince" Luiz Philippe from Orleans and Bragança – of the vanished Imperial Brazilian House – founder of the anti-PT movement Acorda Brasil

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