Brazilian chicken and pork expeditions collapsed by truckers' strike


Exports of chicken meat, including cut and processed cuts, reached 234,100 tonnes in June, a decrease of 36.9% from the same month in 2017 (370,900 tonnes) and by 30% compared to those of May this year (333,200 tons), according to statistics released Wednesday by the Brazilian Association of Animal Proteins (ABPA).

Pork shipments last month were 29,700 tonnes, down 44.9% from the same month of 2017 (54,000 tonnes) and 27.5% lower that in May this year (41,000 tonnes), according to the same employers. [19659002Cetteréductionétait"lerésultatdirectdesblocagessurlesroutesetdelaparalysiedanslesportsquionteulieupendantlagrèvedescamionneurs"adéclaréleprésidentdel'Association"ilyavaitunebaissegénéraledesvolumesexpédiésverstouslesmarchésimportateurs"FranciscoTurracitédansunedéclarationdel'entity

This sector is d & # 39; great importance for Brazil because the country is the world's leading chicken exporter and & # 39, one of the world's largest suppliers of pork.

Producers of both types of meat were among the hardest hit by the truckers' strike, which paralyzed Brazil for eleven days and caused a severe shortage of fuel, food and supplies.

rations for their animals – which caused the death of some 70 million birds -, at least 167 processing plants of these meats had to paralyze their production.

The ABPA calculates that the truckers' paralysis caused losses in this sector for 3,150
million reals (about $ 828.9 million).

According to the calculations of the employer, the reduction in shipments resulted in the export of Brazilian revenues. The price of chicken meat went from $ 616.4 million in June 2017 to $ 358.1 million last month.

With the reduction in shipments in May and June, chicken meat exports accumulated in the first half of this year, they were limited to 1,835 million tonnes, 13.5% less than first six months of last year.

The half-yearly revenues decreased by 17.4%, to 2.960 million dollars in the first six months of the year.

With respect to pork, volume exports in the first half fell 20% to 234,700 tonnes and 32% to $ 501.1 million.

"The losses generated by the blockade on the roads had a direct impact on the exporters' initial forecasts for the first half, at a time when pork sales to China came to mind with the effects of the Russian embargo, "according to the executive director of ABPA, Ricardo Santin. EFE


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