Brent oil closed at USD 78.16 (+ 1.36%) and Texas at USD 73.85 (+ 0.06%)


A barrel of Brent oil to be delivered in September has closed today on the London futures market at $ 78.16, or 1.36% more than at the close. from the previous session.

North Sea crude oil, benchmark in Europe, ended the day in the International Exchange Futures with an increase of $ 1.05 compared to the last trading, when it 's the only one in the world. is finished in 77.11 dollars.

Possible effects on the level of sanctions offer According to analysts, US exports to Iran have once again pushed up the price of European crude oil.

Fears of a reduction in Iranian production offset the downward pressure of forecasts that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and Russia are willing to increase their pumping.

The Texas Intermediate Oil Price (WTI) rose 0.06% today and closed at $ 73.85 per barrel, with the market paying close attention to the oil supply. before the possibility that US sanctions will prevent Iranian exports.

At the end of live trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex), future WTI contracts for delivery in August totaled 5 cents on the dollar

Analysts attributed the modest increase in oil prices in the United States to the latent concern of investors about the fate of Iranian exports.

On Sunday, Iran's Minister of Petroleum, Biyan Zangané, assured that "there has been no major change" in the country's oil production and export, despite threats from the United States to stop the sale of crude oil (1965). We will continue with our plans, "said the minister, quoted by state television, whose country last month exported 2.8 million barrels of crude oil and gas condensate to the

Tehran had announced a week ago that it would offer its oil through the National Stock Exchange, where the private sector could buy it seamlessly and export it, according to its plans to avoid American sanctions

In part, gasoline contracts in August gained about 4 cents to $ 2.14 a gallon, while gasoline contracts, also in August, subtracted about 3 cents at $ 2.82 per thousand cubic feet

Source: EFE

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