Brussels | NATO leaders begin summit marked by differences with Donald Trump | Trade | World | News


NATO Heads of State and Government begin a two-day summit in Brussels Wednesday, hoping to adopt key measures for their security in Europe and in the face of terrorist threats . thus the differences with the president of the United States, Donald Trump in various fields.

"One of my main responsibilities is that, while trade agreements remain unresolved, we minimize the negative effect on cooperation within NATO ," said Secretary General Alliance Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference, recognizing that the "disagreements" with Trump cover areas such as trade, climate change or the Iranian nuclear agreement .

Be that as it may, he was convinced that the summit would be a success despite the "different points of view of the allies on different issues".

One of the coolest areas The United States with its partners in NATO is the demand that countries increase their military spending to reach 2% of their GDP in 2014, to which they enlisted in Wales (United Kingdom) in 1969.

Shortly before landing in Brussels, Trump wrote a message on Twitter to express his frustration. "Many of the NATO countries that are waiting for us to defend them, are not only below their current commitment of 2% (which is low), but have also been in they will not pay back the money in the United States. "

The more equitable distribution of burdens will be one of the central issues of the summit, although diplomatic sources have insisted on the fact that the 2014 commitment is not a legal imperative but "a guideline embodied in a political text" and that must be fulfilled "according to the economic situation of the countries."

Stoltenberg published the first estimate of NATO on defense spending in 2018, according to which Canada and European allies will increase this investment by 3.78%.

In addition, this year, it is expected that eight allies will reach the goal of 2%, compared to only three in 2014.

"All those Ogre are overshadowed by the demands Trump in the fair distribution of freight, "according to diplomatic sources.

Allied state and government leaders will also support a new military training mission in Iraq to" prevent the re-emergence of terrorist groups or the Islamic State ", and give the green light to give more support to countries like Tunisia and Jordan.

In addition, leaders will take an initiative in 2020 30 mechanized battalions, 30 air squadrons and 30 combat ships are available in a period of up to 30 days.

They will also agree on a new command structure for NATO [19659002] which will include a barracks p for the Atlantic, Norfolk (Virginia, USA) and a military mobility center in Ulm (Germany)

The response to hybrid threats will also be on the agenda, through new teams support for at-risk partners. 9014] After a first session of the North Atlantic Council, the leaders will discuss in a working dinner the various threats facing the Alliance, in which they will discuss relations with Russia, with whom NATO suspended its practical cooperation because of its involvement in the Ukrainian crisis

In this context, Stoltenberg estimated that the planned meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin next Monday in Helsinki "is totally in line with the NATO policies " on Russia, based on the combination of defense and dialogue. "

" We need to engage with Russia on different levels. but even without a better relationship, it is important to talk with Russia to handle the difficult relationship, to avoid risks, miscalculations, misunderstandings, incidents and accidents, "he said. [19659020OnThursdayAlliedleaderswilldiscusswiththeirpartnersinAfghanistanthestatusoftheirmission"decisivesupport"ofthecouncilsandthetrainingoftheforcesofthiscountry

Stoltenberg recalled that 3,000 coaches have already been added to During the summit, she hopes to extend the funding of Afghan forces beyond 2020.

Allied leaders also hope to invite the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to start talks for their integration in the Alliance 19659020] Once the agreement with Greece on the new name of the country is finalized and implemented, NATO will propose to become the thirtieth member of the Alliance [19659] 024] Source: EFE

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