Businessmen from Venezuela and Bolivia join forces to develop business relations – Correo del Orinoco


This Wednesday, in the city of Caracas, the Preparatory Meeting for the Mixed Commission of Bolivia – Venezuela, a high-level intergovernmental meeting to be held at the end of the month in the Venezuelan capital, took place A lot of success.

At the installation ceremony, the Venezuelan Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs for Latin America, Alexander Yánez, explained that the bilateral meeting proposes and hears the relationship between men and women. Public and private affairs of both nations with the vision of deepening trade links. "In order to recover, among other things, the use of sugar as a payment mechanism and to advance in the establishment of new mechanisms for economic and trade relations," said the diplomat.

In this context, he pointed out that one of the objectives is the founding of the Venezuela-Bolivia Chamber of Commerce, which will be a fundamental engine in the development of

Meanwhile, announced the в # <в # < establishment of the second trade protocol between Caracas and La Paz, with the aim of facilitating trade and promoting the exports and imports of the two South American nations.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Integration of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Clarems Endara, guaranteed – for his part – the commitment of both governments to help entrepreneurs to find quick ways to facilitate trade.

"We want to overcome all the financial and commercial barriers that have been imposed on us in recent years. We want to join commercially through a complementary approach, "said the Bolivian official.

The Bolivia – Venezuela Joint Commission 's business meeting met with dozens of entrepreneurs from both countries, covering different areas of common interest 19659009] Text and Photo / Mppre

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