Businessmen from Venezuela and Bolivia seek agreements – Correo del Orinoco


The vice-minister for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Yáñez, affirmed in his Twitter account that "Venezuela and Bolivia are brother countries, peoples born of the same sword. "

This was expressed at the beginning of the meeting of businessmen of the two countries, which was held in Caracas. In addition, he stressed the need "to deepen
trade relations between Venezuela and Bolivia" and expressed his approval for the bilateral work. "This meeting is very timely," he said, "

" The event brought together dozens of businessmen from both countries who cover different areas of life. common interest, "said Yánez

.) Endara emphasized the two governments' commitment to" helping entrepreneurs find the roads that will help them achieve the trade we need. "

"We want to join commercially in a complementary approach," said the Bolivian Deputy Minister.

In addition, Endara said: "We want to overcome all the financial and commercial barriers that have been imposed on us in recent years."

The bilateral relationship, to date, has 17 cooperative agreements and the two governments have expressed the need to reinvigorate and strengthen the alliance on the basis of the increased use and benefits of both nations.

It is necessary to It should be noted that the Bolivian-Venezuelan Mixed Commission was taken over under the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America (1945900) and the Treaty on Trade in Peoples, promoted by Commander Hugo Chávez Frías.

/ Raúl Pineda
F / Minci-Mppre
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