BVC gained 7.409% in the first half


Caracas .- Although Venezuela does not record a culture around the stock market, it is significant data that the earnings of the Caracas Stock Exchange (BVC) close the first 2018 semester in 7.409, 19% and that the actual amount of the Exchange (the total of the negotiations conducted) increased from Bs 44.9 billion in the first half of 2017 to 8.6 billion Bs in the same period of 2018, according to the president of the BVC, Gustavo Pulido Medina, current report.

The following results are added to previous results: in the first half of 2018, 21,000,945 transactions were recorded on the regular market, which represents an increase of 109.78% over the same period in 2017 number of shares traded increased by 66.64%, the largest increase being that recorded in the actual amount traded, which ends the six months with a variation of 16 thousand 418.41%, compared to the first half of 2017, reveals the document.

Currently, individual investors account for 83.84% and 16.5% are legal persons in the country or abroad. The total number of investors in the stock market has increased by 196% this year compared to 2017. In particular, the number of natural persons has increased up to now 230.5% and the number of legal persons in 101, 8%, explains the president of the BVC. Information that reveals how much stock market activity is attractive to investors today.

Status of the BVC Today

To clarify the current status of the Caracas Stock Exchange (BVC), according to its owner, Pulido Medina, it is necessary to define the market that is traded through the stock market. "The stock market is much bigger than the stock market." And he adds: "in order for this market to be orderly, continuous and transparent, it must go through the stock market, a scenario where the players converge": investors, intermediaries (brokers) and the stock market, which reflects the market behavior. "The market reflects the distortion of the economy." The stock prices have increased extraordinarily due to this distortion, "says Pulido, adding that private companies listed on the Caracas Stock Exchange are putting their shares up for sale to the public. investor to set a price that will be benchmark and will be used for that company's market capitalization.

Stock Market Culture

The BVC seeks to promote stock culture through the Venezuelan Capital Market Institute. He has given intensive training courses that allow those working in these areas to present the investment dealer's review.

The stock market authorities are about to sign an agreement with the Catholic University Andrés Bello (UCAB) to implement the Diploma in Capital Markets. He will also sign an agreement with the University of Monte Ávila. And they plan to hold classes for issuers and brokerages. "We want to reach more people who are working in the market to be multipliers."

Activity in the BVC

In the manufacturing and construction industry, to cite a few examples, the action of Corimon CA has had a price of opening in the month of January, 680,000 bolivars. The closing price is 40 million in June. In the case of Domínguez & Cía, each action started with a price of 28,000 bolivars and in June it was 2 million 200,000 bolivars. In the case of Proagro, the opening price was 580 bolivars and the closing price was 70,000 bolivars. The Mercantil Servicios action had an opening price of 700,000 bolivars and rose to 29 million 500,000 bolivars in the month of June.

The ten most traded titles: Grupo Zuliano, Mercantil Servicios Financieros (Class B), Banco Nacional de Credito, Fondo de Valores Inmobiliarios (Class B), Banco Provincial, Proagro, Caracas Stock Exchange, Venezuelan packaging, Ron Santa Teresa

The Caracas Stock Exchange ranks eighth in Latin America, out of a total of 17 exchanges in the region.

It is necessary to put in place measures for Venezuela to enter other contexts of the region, such as market freedom and legal certainty of private property. n Companies have owners and shareholders who bet on a better future and things to improve.

Finally, the semi-annual report Securities Market Report (January to June 2018) indicates that 2018 began with a month of January with record variations, bringing the Caracas Stock Exchange to 3,667.80 points (+190,37)% ); the financial index at 6,335.55 (+ 193.40%) and an industrial index with a variation of 145.56% peaking at 1.209.16.

Source El Universal

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