Byron Guamá winner of the ninth stage of the Vuelta a Venezuela | Other sports | Sports


Quito –

The carchense Byron Guamá, of the Ecuadorian Movistar team, closed in the first place the ninth stage of the Venezuela Cycling Tour, which took place yesterday between the towns of Ocumare del Tuy and Valencia, with a distance of 168.7 kilometers, penultimate test that ends today with an urban circuit.

Guamá took three hours, 45 minutes and 59 seconds to reach the finish line. The Ecuadorian commanded the team that arrived at the peak which earned him first place, followed by Jackson Rodriguez and Jhon Navas.

With the victory in the stage, Guamá is located in twelfth place overall, while his team mate Anderson Paredes occupies third place

Another Ecuadorian who stands out is Cristian Pita leader of flying goals, performances that together place the Ecuadorian team in second place in the team ranking.

a circuit in Valencia. The day will be to ratify the Italian Matteo Spreafico (Androni Giacattolo) in the first place to maintain a 1m16s advantage in the overall standings. (D)

2nd place
By teams, the team Movistar Ecuador is the second best of the Vuelta, before competing for the tenth stage, which will be played today in Valencia, capital of the state of Carabobo. 19659009] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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