Cabello assured that the question of public services will be debated during the IV Congress of the PSUV


Caracas – The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, assured that the question of public services will be discussed during the IV Congress of the PSUV.

He said that the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro "put the issue of public services on the table for the people to debate."

Cabello announced that this week begins the "Bolívar Chávez week, framed in all acts that will take place in Venezuela", as well as "tomorrow there will be a municipal plenary assembly of Battle Units of Bolívar Chávez" and that the 335 municipalities will be mobilized to collect all proposals and take them to the IV Congress of the PSUV, between July 28 and 30.

At a press conference of the National Directorate of PSUV, the leader referred to Colombia on Monday and said that "the terror of the Colombian government is that this entire media campaign orchestrated" the Colombians of the world return to their country.

According to the upcoming municipal elections scheduled for December 9, he invited citizens to register with the National Electoral Council (CNE), which will hold a special day to record and update the data from this Monday. July 23rd.

The First Vice President stated that "the only ones who currently have a real, certain possibility to organize a recall referendum are those who have been elected to the National Assembly (NA) ". This is due to the latest statements of the President of the AN, Omar Barboza, who has stated that the conditions are met for a "reminder" to President Nicolás Maduro.

He confirmed his statements last Monday, where he said that AN are ready. "We have all the calculations, because we are responsible."

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