Cable car electrician went out to buy food and found death


José Gregorio Navas Gil, 28, was killed by agents of the Bolivarian National Police while he was preparing to buy food on Saturday afternoon. The victim found his family and friends in his residence, located in the area of ​​La Torre in El Valle, in the municipality of Libertador. After 16:00, Navas Gil decided to go out and buy food, while he was reportedly attacked by police officers who gave him a high voice and proceeded to check his documents. identity, which he accepted without resistance; Immediately, the PNB officials detained him, for no apparent reason, to then subdue him and take him to a nearby alley where, according to the family version, they hid him. The neighbors of the area who saw what happened informed the mother and sister of the electrician, who came to the place to get information on what s'. passed, but were physically and verbally abused and abused by the authorities. al soil and the "intimidated".

The officers allegedly gave Navas Gil a gun and "forced" to shoot him and then "pepper him", according to his family members.

heard a policeman say to his partner : "Metele, that the order is already given." Witnesses say they heard a gust of gunfire; Nevertheless, relatives do not know how much impact Navas Gil has received. The officials transferred him to the car hospital where he died. The police told them that the electrician had just come out of jail, which family members deny and claim that he was never detained.

José Gregorio Navas Gil worked as an electrician in the La Guaira cable car He was the father of four minor children and the woman is pregnant.

Another fact. Juan Carlos Barrios, 16, was killed after an alleged confrontation with representatives of the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigation Corps on Friday, June 29. According to the parents, Barrios left his home at 11:00 am when he was attacked by a Cicpc commission which gave him two shots: one at breast height and another in the back. Barrios was transferred by the same commission to the Center of Integral Diagnosis of La Dolorita, where he entered without vital signs.

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