Cancer, Diabetes or Hypertension: A Mexican Study Reveals the Dangers of Sugaring Drinks


July 20, 2018 – 16:13

Photo: Referential

The Institute of Cellular Physiology (IFC) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) revealed that the consumption of sweet drinks "promotes metabolic syndrome (MS)". According to the press release published by the institution, MS is defined as "a series of signs that increase the likelihood of suffering from cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer."

detect this syndrome, they are supported Taking into account different signs: central obesity, high blood pressure, increased blood triglycerides, increased cholesterol, excessive secretion of insulin, resistance to this hormone and glucose intolerance. The existence of three or more of these signs assumes that SM

In this regard, it should be recalled that, as reported by the Mexican Observatory of Noncommunicable Diseases (OMENT), the Aztec country occupies the second place in adult obesity in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Dr. Marcia Hiriart Urdanivia, director of the IFC, said that to carry out the study, they tested rats that received sugary drinks. After two months under this diet, rodents showed an increase in abdominal fat, triglycerides, insulin, resistance to it and glucose intolerance. All Signs of MS

The researcher explained that this experiment was aimed at knowing what happens with beta-charged cells to synthesize and secrete insulin – in chronic inflammation. The latter is produced by the abdominal fat that produces adipokines and white blood cells that produce cytokines.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when beta cells have been over-stimulated for a long time and have become exhausted, rendering them unable to produce enough. "The most important thing is that the metabolic syndrome can be reversed if we practice and maintain adequate nutrition, thus preventing the development of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of diabetes," said Urdanivia.

According to the 2016 National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT), also cited by OMENT, in Mexico, overweight affects all ages. Between 5 and 11 years, 3 out of 10 suffer from it; between 12 and 19 the number increases to 4 every 10; and faced with this scenario – sustained for several years – the Mexican state imposed, in January 2014, the special tax on production and services (IEPS) of 10% for sweetened drinks. As recalled the website Sin Embargo, during the first year of entry into force of the IEPS, the purchase of this type of product decreased by 6% and the sale of mineral water increased by 4%.

They argue that it is insufficient. Fiorella Espinosa de Cándido, a food health researcher from the NGO El Poder del Consumidor, told the media that "a tax is not enough" and that "it takes" a comprehensive policy that generates a transition from this diet inadequate the population to a better health based on fresh and nutritious food. "

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